Four drafts from SCCR 24

  • Working document (Rev. 5), July 25, 2012, Provisional Working Document Containing Comments On And Textual Suggestions Towards An Appropriate International Legal Instrument (In Whatever Form) On Limitations And Exceptions For Educational, Teaching And Research Institutions And Persons With Other Disabilities
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KEI comment on SCCR 24

The final conclusions of SCCR 24 are available here.

I’m going to spend some time adding to this, but to have something out quick, here are few thoughts.

1. Disabilities.

The Good: sets the stage for diplomatic conference in 2013, which is now highly likely.
The Bad: Lots of brackets in the text, and EU bent on making the agreement unworkable, and the US and EU hold off on the “nature of the instrument” is a treaty discussion.

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SCCR24: India on Contribution of the SCCR to the implementation of the respective Development Agenda recommendations

INDIA: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Indian Delegation joins the distinguished Delegations of Iran, Egypt, South Africa in supporting the statement by the Distinguished Delegate and leader of the Development Agenda Group, the Brazil Indian Delegate. The Development Agenda recommendations and goals have achieved recent success in the Beijing spirit when we included the paragraphs, the preamble of the new treaty. And from there we have been listing — participating in the norm setting activities, in the limitations and exceptions.

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Last day of SCCR 24 regarding education and research exceptions

Last day of SCCR 24 regarding education and research exceptions (or topic 3 for the WIPO Secretariat)

There are many issues including: the structure of the proposed working document and its title, will it include comments or only textual proposals? is it a stand alone document? or is it linked to other proposals? and how it will be adressed/mentioned/continued in the forthcoming conclusions of the SCCR. All delegations seem to agree that the proposed document on education and research is not quite ready. More after informals.

In their own words:
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