December 7 to December 11, 2015 WIPO’s Page for the Meeting KEI intervention on definition of broadcasting SCCR 31 Chair’s Conclusion SCCR 31 Chair’s proposal for future work and conclusions SCCR 31 Check out the Text for Broadcasting & Cablecasting… Continue Reading


June 29 to July 3, 2015 WIPO’s Page for the Meeting Iran’s Statement on the limitations and exceptions at WIPO SCCR 30 KEI intervention on education exceptions in SCCR 30 KEI intervention on preservation exceptions at WIPO SCCR 30 My… Continue Reading


December 8 to December 12, 2014 WIPO’s Page for the Meeting Broadcasters make sweeping demands on scope and rights in new WIPO treaty KEI intervention, SCCR 29, December 9, 2014 SCCR 29 KEI Statement on Limitations and Exceptions regarding Education… Continue Reading


June 30 to July 4, 2014 WIPO’s Page for the Meeting WIPO SCCR28 Day 1: Support for a Broadcasting Treaty Diplomatic Conference in 2015? WIPO SCCR 28 Day 1: The European Union Statement regarding 3 topics: broadcasting, L&E for Libraries… Continue Reading


December 16 to December 20, 2013 WIPO’s Page for the Meeting KEI Statement at WIPO SCCR 26 December 16, 2013 re the Casting Treaty WIPO asked to create new treaty on the resale right (droit de suite) for works of… Continue Reading


July 16 to July 25, 2012 WIPO’s page for SCCR 24 SCCR24: Opening statement of the African Group WIPO SCCR24 What is an “authorized entity” and what is the fight about? Quick Update on WIPO SCCR 24 Meeting on The… Continue Reading


June 15 to June 24, 2011 WIPO Page on the Meeting April 2011 report on negotiations for a WIPO copyright treaty for persons who are blind or have other disabilities SCCR 22: Opening statement of the Asian Group SCCR22: Opening… Continue Reading


November 8 to November 12, 2010 WIPO Page on the Meeting SCCR 21: Initial impressions from day 1 SCCR 21: General statement of Group B (covering broadcasting, AV protection and limitations and exceptions) KEI statement at SCCR 21 SCCR21: Proposal… Continue Reading


KEI’s page for WIPO. WIPO’s page on the SCCR meetings. KEI’s page on the broadcasting negotiations. KEI’s page on the Marrakesh treaty negotiations. Some special meetings of the SCCR Information Meeting on Developments in Broadcasting, (SCCR/IM/GE/09), May 25, 2009. Featured… Continue Reading

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

KEI has permanent observer status for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and has attended every SCCR meeting beginning in 2003, and monitors several other committees. KEI played a key role in the negotiations on the Marrakesh treaty for persons… Continue Reading