Informal, focused consultations (IFCs) on WHO’s pandemic treaty to address: 1) legal matters, 2) equity, 3) IP and access to pandemic response products, and 4) One Health, AMR, Climate and Zoonosis

As part of ongoing WHO negotiations on a pandemic treaty, the WHO secretariat is set to convene four informal, focused consultations (IFCs) on the following themes: 1) legal matters, 2) operationalizing and achieving equity, 3) intellectual property and access to… Continue Reading

7 July 2022: Human Rights Council adopts resolution on right to health resolution with references delinkage, solidarity, global public good, and the transfer of technology and know-how

On Thursday, 7 July 2022, the 40th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) adopted, by consensus, a resolution on Access to medicines, vaccines and other health products in the context of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of… Continue Reading

White smoke emerges from WHO negotiations on a resolution on Strengthening clinical trials to provide high-quality evidence on health interventions and to improve research quality and coordination

At around 10 PM on Friday evening, 20 May 2022, member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) negotiating on a resolution titled, Strengthening clinical trials to provide high-quality evidence on health interventions and to improve research quality and coordination,… Continue Reading

Additional Comments for the Public Hearing on the Proposed WHO Treaty on Pandemic Preparedness and Response

These are the additional comments to the WHO Public Hearing on a possible WHO treaty or other instrument on pandemic preparedness and response (KEI also provided oral testimony at the hearing, and filed earlier comments here). Luis Gil Abinader –… Continue Reading

KEI comments to USTR and the Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) on Trade related aspects of public goods Trade related aspects of public goods Submission to USTR and the Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) James Love, KEI March 8, 2022 Introduction One can think of the economy as including both public and private goods, each valued by… Continue Reading

Brazil, Egypt, Japan, Netherlands, South Africa, and Thailand comprise the bureau of WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to draft and negotiate a WHO convention,agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

On 1 December 2021, the special session of the World Health Assembly adopted a decision launch intergovernmental negotiations to draft and negotiate a WHO convention,agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response; this signaled the intent of… Continue Reading

EB150 – Statement of Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) on Public health emergencies: preparedness and response

On Wednesday, 26 January 2022, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered the following statement on a possible pandemic treaty at the 150th session of the World Health Organization’s Executive Board. The WHO negotiations on a pandemic treaty are not a quick… Continue Reading

Special Session of the World Health Assembly: Statement of Knowledge Ecology International

On Tuesday, 30 November 2021, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered the following statement during the special session of the World Health Assembly. Negotiators should address policy failures that have accompanied the current pandemic response, and create a better global framework… Continue Reading

WHO member countries agree on a pathway to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

After two weeks of intense negotiations, member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) have finally agreed to compromise text on a decision (The World Together: Establishment of an intergovernmental negotiating body to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, SSA2/CONF./1)… Continue Reading