Senator Ted Kennedy’s 2005 remarks in the U.S. Senate on the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health

February 16, 2005 109th Congress, 1st Session Issue: Vol. 151, No. 17 — Daily Edition [Pages S1498-S1499] From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [] THE DOHA DECLARATION AND THE TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY ACT OF 2002 Mr.… Continue Reading

2001: Compulsory Licensing: Models For State Practice In Developing Countries, Access to Medicine and Compliance with the WTO TRIPS Accord

Compulsory Licensing: Models For State Practice In Developing Countries, Access to Medicine and Compliance with the WTO TRIPS Accord Prepared for the United Nations Development Programme January 21, 2001 James Love Consumer Project on Technology Introduction.1 This note addresses… Continue Reading

Comments for the Working Group On Intellectual Property Rights, Third Trade Ministerial and Americas Business Forum, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, May 13-16, 1997

A Free Trade Area For The Americas: A Consumer Perspective On Proposals As They Relate To Rules Regarding Intellectual Property Comments for the Working Group On Intellectual Property Rights, Third Trade Ministerial and Americas Business Forum, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, May… Continue Reading


30 April 1997 USTR REPORT ON SPECIAL 301 ANNUAL REVIEW FACT SHEET “SPECIAL 301” ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ACTIONS TAKEN Acting United States Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky today announced the Administration’s decision with respect to this year’s review under the… Continue Reading