On Monday, May 13th, Politico published the latest version (May 10, 2019) of the transparency resolution noting the “dizzying number of brackets” in the latest text. The original sponsors are: Italy, Greece, Malaysia, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey,… Continue Reading →
In advance of the 72nd World Health Assembly (20 May 2019 – 28 May 2019), the World Health Organization (WHO) published a document (A72/INF./5, 9 May 2019) entitled, Voluntary contributions by fund and by contributor, 2018. Total voluntary contributions to… Continue Reading →
The documents linked below provide examples of companies disclosing information related to drug R&D costs to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These documents are in the Google’s cloud-based Docs program. You can view and/or download them (no Google… Continue Reading →
DATE: Thursday May 9, 2019 RE: Civil Society Open Letter Regarding Harmful Changes to WHA Transparency Resolution 9 May 2019 – Today more than 100 civil society organizations and health experts sent an open letter to World Health Organization (WHO)… Continue Reading →
At the May 7 informal, countries from Northern Europe with strong pharma industry lobbies proposed dozens of changes in the transparency resolution to make it weaker and in many cases confusing and meaningless. This table compares the two texts: Dif-April29-May7-WHA-Transparency-Resolution… Continue Reading →
On Agenda item 11.7 – Access to medicines and vaccines, KEI offers the following comments on the transparency resolution. 1. Transparency should not be controversial. Policy makers and the public need to have better evidence in order to support policies… Continue Reading →
We now keep track of our FOIA requests here. Recent NIH FOIAs: https://www.keionline.org/foia/nih Older logs and pages about selected Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests filed by KEI. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) March 3, 2015: CDC FOIA… Continue Reading →
The WHO has scheduled two information negotiations on the WHA transparency resolution, in Geneva, for May 7 and 10. Below is the revised version of the proposed resolution, that will be discussed at these two meetings. Improving the transparency of… Continue Reading →
On April 30, 2019, KEI issued a memorandum to Congress concerning recent proposed measures to cap drug price increases and to increase the transparency of pharmaceutical research and development costs. Congress is currently considering several bills that touch on these… Continue Reading →
As the World Health Assembly (WHA) approaches in late May, WHO members will discuss a proposed resolution on transparency. The U.S. Congress is also considering a number bills that would require greater transparency, and groups like KEI have asked the… Continue Reading →