WHA74: KEI’s statement on Public health emergencies: preparedness and response

At the World Health Organization’s 74th World Health Assembly, Knowledge Ecology International delivered the following remarks on “Public health emergencies: preparedness and response” on Monday, 31 May 2021. Non-state actors are limited to one minute statements. Knowledge Ecology International asks… Continue Reading

WHA74: KEI’s statement on expanding access to effective treatments for cancer and rare and orphan diseases including cell and gene-based therapies

At the World Health Organization’s 74th World Health Assembly, Knowledge Ecology International delivered the following remarks on expanding access to effective treatments for cancer and rare and orphan diseases including cell and gene-based therapies on Thursday, 27 May 2021. Non-state… Continue Reading

21 May 2021 – The Pandemic Preparedness Treaty: Unlocking intellectual property, knowledge and know-how for the public good

Ahead of the 74th World Health Assembly, Health Action International, Knowledge Ecology International, and Medicines Law & Policy will be co-hosting a discussion with a high-level panel on what a pandemic response treaty should say about the sharing of rights… Continue Reading

Fissures on intellectual property, C-TAP and transparency emerge in WHO local production negotiations

On 4 December 2020, Ethiopia submitted a Zero Draft resolution to the World Health Organization (WHO) on Strengthening Local Production of Medicines and Other Health Technologies to Improve Access – WHO Resolution on Strengthening Local Production of Medicines and Other… Continue Reading

Approval, ownership, market structure, and placement on WHO EML for 100 new cancer NMEs on NCI alpha list

KEI research associate Paul Miano has written the following paper: Cancer: Approval, ownership, market structure, and placement on WHO Model Essential Medicines List, for 100 new molecular entities (NMEs) on the NCI alpha list of cancer drugs and vaccines. KEI Research Note 2011:1,

A full copy of the paper is available in PDF format here.

The following is from the introduction (sans footnotes, which are in the PDF version):

Introduction and Summary

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