Musical chairs: WIPO unveils new leadership team

UPDATE: On Friday, 27 November 2020, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) published document WO/CC/79/2, Appointment of Deputy Directors General and Assistant Directors General, in all six United Nations languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish) confirming the information… Continue Reading

WIPO Secretariat Report on Limitations and Exceptions at SCCR 40

Discussions, or rather statements on limitations and exceptions started with the WIPO Secretariat’s report on regional seminars and an international conference that took place in 2019. See Documents: Report on Regional Seminars and International Conference (SCCR/40/2) (available in six languages);… Continue Reading

What’s in a name? Geographical indications stir the pot at WIPO trademark committee

Protection for geographical indications is an issue that divides the generally united front that Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, Switzerland, New Zealand and the United States maintain at WIPO and WTO negotiations on setting rules for the enforcement of patents, copyright, trademarks and industrial designs. In a 12 March 2014 piece, Europe wants its Parmesan back, seeks name change, the Associated Press reported that,

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Open letter to those who collectively produced the May 23, 2012 statement to the WIPO SCP on the topics of patents and health

Open letter to those who collectively produced the May 23, 2012 statement to the WIPO SCP on the topics of patents and health (Copy of US statement available here:

May 25, 2012

To each and everyone who worked on the SCP submission:

This letter outlines our concerns to the May 23, 2012 statement to the 18th Session of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP), on the agenda for patents and health.

In its opening, the USPTO said the following:

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