“Access to Knowledge” back in at WIPO

The negotiations on the development agenda text have progressed, and as of last evening, it appears as though the term “access to knowledge” is now without brackets. The relevant paragraph now reads as follows:

“To initiate discussions on how, within WIPO’s mandate, to further facilitate access to knowledge and technology for developing countries and LDCs to foster creativity and innovation and to strengthen such existing activities within WIPO.”

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Canada, US and Italy on [Access to Knowledge] in PCDA discussions

Why are there brackets on A2K?

Paragraph 3 of Cluster B reads:

3. To discuss possible new initatives and strengthen existing mechanisms within WIPO to facilitate [access to knowledge] and technology for developing countries and LDCs and to foster creativity and innovation within WIPO’s mandate.

I talked with Canada during to break, to see where they stood. I can report that Canada was completely negative about removing the brackets from [access to knowledge].

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African Group’s debriefing on Access to Knowledge language

The Algerian coordinator of the African Group just outlined the state of play on the language concerning access to knowledge.

As reported previously, the language of paragraph 3 of Cluster B reads:

3. To discuss possible new initatives and strengthen existing mechanisms within WIPO to facilitate [access to knowledge] and technology for developing countries and LDCs and to foster creativity and innovation within WIPO’s mandate.

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WIPO Development Agenda: Erosion of access to knowledge?

The draft text on issues related to norm-setting, flexibilities, public policy and the public domain (Cluster B) is out.

Paragraph 3 reads:

3. To discuss possible new initatives and strengthen existing mechanisms within WIPO to facilitate [access to knowledge] and technology for developing countries and LDCs and to foster creativity and innovation within WIPO’s mandate.

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WIPO Development Agenda: Cluster assignments

The first day of informals at the Development Agenda meeting this week concluded at around 7:10 PM. Cluster A on Technical Assistance and Capacity Building was discussed. Early reports indicate good progress was made (on the 4 paragraphs of agreed text contained in the Cluster A recommendations) but the negotiations on Cluster A have not yet been concluded.

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