WIPO Broadcasting Treaty negotiations: Slow going

Informed sources have indicated that not much progress has been made in the morning informal sessions of the SCCR today which commenced at around 11:40 AM and ended at 1 PM for lunch. It is unlikely that the plenary will reconvene today. Delegations have only been able to discuss Article 1 of Jukka Liedes’ (20 April 2007) non-paper on the objective of the proposed treaty. This article states:

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Moving into Informal session

June 20, 2007
Morning session started late (10:50) and the Chair began with a 20 minutes lecture/monologue explaining the methodology (article by article), using the non paper as the “unofficial tool”, leaving the complex and controversial 15/2 document on the side even though that document is the only inclusive document, the one “that contains all the proposals” [except the Canadian proposal?].

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Jukka returns to SCCR, gives very long speech setting out the proceedures for limiting debate and having closed sessions

Well, it was nice having an actual plenary yesterday, but Jukka is back, and he wants to move immediately to a closed session. He has made a very long speech, about the need to limit debate, and move to closed sessions. It will not be a “green room” approach just yet, but a plenary without NGOs or notes.

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Thailand’s Compulsory Licensing Controversy

Between November 2006 and January 2007, Thailand issued compulsory licenses for two AIDS drugs (efavirnz and the combination of lopinavir+ritonavir) and one antihypertension drug (clopidegrel).  The pharmaceutical industry has vehemently objected to these compulsory licenses, and has sought the US… Continue Reading

Final PCDA Recommendations to 2007 General Assembly

PCDA Recommendations to 2007 General Assembly

(As adopted 9:38 pm June 15, 2007)

The PCDA decided to make the following recommendations to the 2007 General Assembly:

1. To adopt the recommendations for action in the agreed proposals contained in the Annex;

2. To immediately implement the recommendations contained in the list submitted by the Chair of the PCDA, in accordance with paragraph X of the Report of the Fourth Session of the PCDA;

3. A Committee on Development and IP be established immediately to:

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