Views on the 60th World Health Assembly IGWG resolution

On 23 May 2007, the 60th World Health Assembly, the World Health Organization’s highest governing body, adopted resolution WHA60.30 on Public health, innovation and intellectual property. This resolution bolstered the work program of WHO’s Intergovernmental Working Group on Public health, innovation and intellectual property (IGWG/PHI). This is the key operative section of the resolution, and the reactions by several key persons.

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$1 billion prize for car that can travel 100 miles per gallon

Representative Daniel Lungren (R-CA) has introduced HR 1451, the “New Options Petroleum Energy Conservation Act of 2007,” a bill that seeks to provide incentives to reduce dependence on foreign oil. It includes, among other things, a $1 billion prize the first U.S. car manufacturer to sell 60,000 midsized sedan automobiles that can travel 100 miles per gallon.


March 9, 2007

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Bright Tomorrow Lighting Prizes

In April 2007, Senators Bingaman (D-NM), Domenici (R-MM), Dorgan (D-SD), Lugar (R-IN), Akaka (D-HI), Murkowski (R-AK) and Craig (R-ID) introduced legislation dealing with energy efficiency. One section of the bill requires the United States Treasury to create a Bright Light Tomorrow permanent fund, without a fiscal year limitation, to finance prizes for energy efficient lamps. There are three specific prizes.

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Climate Technology Challenge Program

This prize program is part of S. 280, a bill to address global warming. The high powered sponsors include Senators Lieberman, Carper, Clinton, Coleman, Collins, Durbin, Lincoln, McCain, Nelson, Obama and Snow.

This is a fairly significant prize program. It seems as though a single award can exceed $100 million, with the approval of the Secretary of Energy.

110th CONGRESS, 1st Session, S. 280

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