Vivendi-SFR lobbyist nominated to WIPO

Vivendi-SFR lobbyist nominated to WIPO by Hervé Le Crosnier

On July 14, 2016, the former Vivendi-SFR lobbyist Sylvie Forbin was named Deputy Director General of the WIPO “Culture and Creative Industries Sector” (the World Intellectual Property Organization is a United Nations agency). Incidentally the new name of the Sector, “Copyright and Creative Industries,” is revealing of her future professional activities.

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Harvoni & Sovaldi, Xtandi in Top 20 Costliest Medicare Drugs

The Associated Press recently released a chart from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Office of the Actuary that outlines spending for the top 20 costliest drugs to Medicare in 2015 after reaching Medicare’s catastrophic spending threshold:

UPDATE: The AP also released another story, on July 24, 2016, outlining the overall program costs of catastrophic spending and explaining various spending increases:

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Letter from 56 non-profits and experts to Secretary of State John Kerry on pressure on global access to medicines initiatives

20 July 2016
For Immediate Release

Knowledge Ecology International: Zack Struver,, +1 (202) 332-2670
Public Citizen: Peter Maybarduk,, +1 (202) 588-7755

Public Health, Human Rights, and Faith Organizations Question State Department Pressure Against Global Access to Medicines Initiatives

Evidence shows pattern of interference in national and international efforts to improve access to affordable medicines, according to Doctors Without Borders (MSF USA), Knowledge Ecology International, Public Citizen, Oxfam, and other leading public interest groups.

Washington, DC — More than 50 public interest organizations and experts asked Secretary of State John Kerry today to explain evidence that the State Department recently pressured the United Nations and the governments of Colombia and India against taking action to improve access to affordable medicines, citing U.S. business interests and implying that relations with Washington would suffer.
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SCP24:WIPO patent committee adopts robust work program on patents and health, limitations and exceptions and quality of patents

On 30 June 2016, the 24th session of the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) agreed to an ambitious work program on patents and health, exceptions and limitations to patent rights, quality of patents, transfer of technology and confidentiality of communications between clients and their patent advisors.

On patents and health, the Committee agreed to the following:

WIPO Marrakesh Treaty for the blind to come into force September 30, 2016, following ratification by Canada

On June 30, 2016, the WIPO Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled received its 20th ratification, from Canada, and this will bring the Treaty into force September 30, 2016. The WIPO announcement was here. WIPO Director General Francis Gurry made a statement about the Marrakesh Treaty’s imminent entry into force in the video below:

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SCP 24 – A fruitful discussion?

30 June 2016

By Sophia Simon

The World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) plays a significant role as the United Nation’s only dedicated, multilateral forum for the discussion on patents. The WIPO SCP convened for its 24th session in Geneva from 27 June 2016 to 30 June 2016.

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SCP24: African Group submits revised proposal for a WIPO work program on Patents and Health

On Wednesday morning, 29 June 2016, Nigeria, on behalf of the African Group, presented a revised proposal (SCP/24/4) for a WIPO work program on Patents and Health at the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP). The African Group proposal is a welcome breath of fresh air in the patent committee; the proposal aims to make WIPO more responsive to recent developments including: 1) “Challenges to public health …. Continue Reading