KEI Recommendations on the work of the SCCR on a treaty for broadcasting organizations

KEI Recommendations on the work of the SCCR on a treaty for broadcasting organizations
Prepared for WIPO General Assembly
October 4, 2017

KEI recommends taking the broadcasting treaty off the agenda of the SCCR, until (1) the proponents of the treaty can explain what they expect the treaty will do, in practical terms, (2) how the treaty will impact copyright owners and persons who want access to information distributed by broadcasters, and (3) if there is a realistic expectation of agreement on the substance of the treaty.

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WIPO General Assembly 2017: Statement of South Africa on the Report on the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP)

On Wednesday, 4 October 2017, South Africa delivered the following statement on the Report on The Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) at the WIPO General Assembly.

2 – 11 OCTOBER 2016




We align ourselves with the statement of Senegal on behalf of the Africa Group.

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KEI’s opening statement at WIPO’s 2017 General Assembly focuses on role of Chief Economist

This was delivered the afternoon on October 3, 2017.

Opening statement of Knowledge Ecology International – WIPO General Assembly 2017

Thank you, Mr. Vice President.

KEI notes the controversies around the world regarding the costs and benefits of intellectual property policies, including in particular extended terms of copyright protection in some countries, access to copyrighted works out of commerce and in teaching and research, and the role of patents in both promoting and discouraging innovation, and creating barriers to access medicine.

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PAHO 29th Pan-American Sanitary Conference: Statement of Knowledge Ecology International on Draft Concept Note

On Wednesday September 27, 2017, Knowledge Ecology International delivered an intervention at the PAHO 29th Pan-American Sanitary Conference during agenda item 8.10 on the Draft Concept Note towards WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work 2019–2023. I delivered the statement on behalf of KEI.

Mr. President:

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SEARO RC70: India calls on WHO to take the lead in negotiations of the R&D treaty (General Programme of Work debate)

As noted in an earlier piece, on 25 August 2017 the WHO published a draft concept note to provide a road map to “underpin WHO’s General Programme of of Work from 2019-2023… and serve as the strategic basis for resource mobilization” for the Organization (WHO draft concept note on strategic priorities for 2019-2023 charts a new vision for the organization, 29 August 2017, KEI). Continue Reading

KEI asks HHS to use Bayh-Dole rights in Zinbryta patent (drug for multiple sclerosis)

Attached is a letter sent on September 14, 2017 to Andrew Bremberg, an Assistant to the President and the Director of the Domestic Policy Council at the White House, and Keagan Lenihan, a Senior Adviser to HHS Secretary Tom Price, regarding Zinbrytra (INN: daclizumab), a drug to approved by the FDA to treat multiple sclerosis. (PDF version here)

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SEARO RC70: Statement of Knowledge Ecology International on Access to Medicines

Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered the following statement during discussions at the WHO South East Asia Region (SEARO) Regional Committee on Access to Medicines on 9 September 2017 in the Maldives.

(Photo taken by Cristina Bajar)

Intervention of Knowledge Ecology International

Seventieth Session of the Regional Committee – SEARO: 8.3 Access to medicines – SEA/RC70/9
Saturday, 9 September 2017

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2017: Nanobernetics proposed exclusive license for NIH patents on Apparatus for Microarray Binding Sensors

(More on government funded inventions here. Other KEI comments on NIH licenses are found here.) The attached file (copy here) is the KEI questions and initial comments on the Prospective Grant of an Exclusive Patent License: Apparatus for Microarray Binding Sensors Having… Continue Reading

2017: Kymriah, the Novartis $475,000 CAR T treatment, received 50 percent Orphan Drug tax credit on trials

Missing in the reporting on the Novartis price for Kymriah, its new $475,000 CAR T treatment, is that Novartis received an Orphan Drug designation in February 3, 2015, and sequently received a tax credit subsidy from the United States equal to 50 percent of the cost of qualifying clinical trials.

From the FDA database on Orphan Designations:

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