KEI Funding

KEI is a U.S. tax exempt organization, under 501(3)(c) of the IRS rules.

In 2006 KEI received a MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions.

  • MacArthur Award
  • KEI Acceptance Remarks

KEI receives contributions from individuals, by check, or through the web here.

KEI is also supported by grants and research contracts, including in recent years from the following institutions:

  • Gordon R Irlam Charitable Foundation
  • Open Society Foundation
  • Perls Foundation
  • Kaiser Foundation Health Plan & Hospitals
  • In previous years, KEI also received funding from the following foundations:

    • Ford Foundation
    • The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
    • Rockefeller Foundation
    • Rockefeller Brothers Fund
    • MSF

    In 2013, KEI solicited donations on behalf of a travel fund supporting NGOs (other than KEI) to attend the diplomatic conference for the WIPO Marrakesh Treaty for persons who are blind or have other disabilities.

    KEI Europe is a separate legal entity. KEI Europe has received support from:

    Heinrich Böll Foundation
    Camino Stiftung

    To support KEI’s work, contact Claire Cassedy via her email or by visiting: