
Westinghouse acquisition

On July 17, 2007, four groups, including KEI, have sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (“CFIUS”), asking that it block a proposed sale of 10 percent of Westinghouse, the US nuclear energy firm, to KazAtomProm, a nuclear energy firm owned by the government of Kazakhstan. The groups signing the letter are Knowledge Ecology International (KEI), Essential Action and the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, and Greenpeace. The URL for the letter is: https://www.keionline.org/misc-docs/17jul07-westinghouse-kazatomprom.pdf.

The groups “oppose the transaction on the grounds that the sale will undermine efforts to limit nuclear proliferation, and will give sensitive nuclear technology to a brutal, repressive and undemocratic regime, which may lack long-term legitimacy and stability.”

Kazakhstan Timelines

This timeline for Kazakhstan provides dates and links to articles for a variety of events, ranging from the political development of Kazakhstan, nuclear disarmament, development of oil and gas resources, development of nuclear energy industry, black market trafficking in nuclear materials, government corruption, lobbying of the U.S. and other governments, and repression and violence.

As I have continued to add entries, I have begun to break up the pages into separate years.

The index for all years and pages for:

1990-2000 ,
2003 ,

Other Kazakhstan timelines and profiles:

BBC:  chronology of key events, Country Profile

U.S. State Department:  Background Note, Kazakhstan

NTI: Kazakhstan Profile

Economist: Country Briefings: Kazakhstan  

Eurasianet.Org Kazakhstan Archive

New York Times: Breaking News, Kazakhstan