SCCR 31 KEI Statements on Legal Deposit and on Lending

Topic 3 is Legal Deposit.

KEI ‘s question is the following: should these designated deposit systems –national archives or libraries– be mandated or encouraged as I believe it is described in the US principles)?

We’re not even sure this is a copyright issue and to what extent this is essential for libraries.

However, as the IFLA Statement underlined, Legal deposit was the original limitation on copyright, embedded in the Statute of Anne and we believe it could be discussed in the form of a model law intended to ensure the preservation of works at a national level.

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SAVE THE DATE – 16 December 2015 – KEI workshop on a WTO Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and the copyright 3-step test

On Wednesday, 16 December 2015, at the Fourth Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest (National Law University, Delhi, India), Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) will convene a workshop entitled a “WTO Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and the Three-Step Test for Copyright and Related Rights.”

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SCCR 31 KEI Statement on Right of Reproduction and Safeguarding copies

Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) is and has been supportive of the Committee’s work on access and preservation of knowledge which is important for everyone and every country.

Preservation and safeguarding copies of works is to some degree a global public good. We all want and need works to be preserved, and copyright and reproduction rights coupled with limitations and exceptions are essential.

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SCCR 31 International Federation of Journalists concerns regarding broadcasting treaty consequences


The IFJ, represented by Mike Holderness expressed some concerns regarding the new layer of rights for broadcasters and cablecasters:

> International federation of journalists: Thank you. Since this is the first time I have spoken, congratulations to the chair and the Secretariat for the excellent running of this event.

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SCCR 31 Day 3 on rights for broadcasting and cablecasting

to get the live transcript:
code: sccr31

The SCCR was supposed to start today with the Rights to be granted to broadcasters.

Broadcasting organizations shall have the right to authorize or prohibit the retransmission of
their broadcast to the public by any means.
Broadcasting organizations shall have the right to prohibit the unauthorized retransmission of
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SCCR 31 KEI on inclusion of cablecasters and the making available rights

jamieday3 - Edited.png

KEI has the floor.
>> KEI: Thank you Mr. Chairman. KEI would be as concerned as anyone of piracy, of content that’s provided over cable systems. I think, however, it will be interesting for the association of broadcasters, the APP, if they could explain if in any of the countries where they have problems with people stealing cable signals if it’s actually not already against the law to do that.
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