SCCR 31 Interesting exchanges (USA, Chile and Brazil) on paragraph 4
(4) The provisions of this Treaty shall apply mutatis mutandis to the protection of
cablecasting organizations in respect of their cablecasts.
SCCR 31 North American Broadcasters intervention
The North American broadcasters represented by Erica Edler
>> Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Nava represents broadcasters in North America, Canada, the United States and Mexico. I would like to thank the Chairman for his consolidated text which has served to focus discussions on some of the key issues on a new treaty for broadcasters.
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SCCR 31 Intervention by Teresa Hackett for eIFL re broadcasting treaty
>> Good afternoon. I’m speaking on behalf of electronic information for libraries, the works with libraries in developing and transitioning countries. I’d like to make a comment on the object of protection that has been under discussion here this afternoon. And the importance that any new instrument that might be created limits the object of protection to the signal and not to any underlying content.
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SCCR 31 KEI Intervention on the again-expanding scope of the broadcasting treaty
Martin Moscoso, the Chair, invited NGOs’ comments.
>> KEI: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. In listening to the conversation today and yesterday on this notion of signal versus the content, or container versus the content, it sounds appealing and people have been talking about this now for some years, the idea that you can separate the idea that there is a signal and there is content and things like that.
SCCR 31 Does “object of protection” include “on demand”?
4pm Day 2 Paragraph 3 of Object of protection
Discussion on:
(3) Broadcasting organizations shall also enjoy protection for simultaneous or near simultaneous retransmission by any means as if such transmission were a broadcast.
SCCR 31 Object of Protection: how to protect the signal only?
Object of Protection: how to protect the signal only?
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SCCR31 Object of Protection Discussions
Day 2 SCCR31 Object of Protection discussion started a 12:45pm. At 1pm we left for lunch and a meeting on education.
II. OBJECT OF PROTECTION(1) The protection granted under this Treaty extends only to broadcasts transmitted by, or
on behalf of, a broadcasting organization, but not to works or other protected subject
matter carried on them.(2) The provisions of this Treaty shall not provide any protection in respect of mere
retransmissions by any means.(3) Broadcasting organizations shall also enjoy protection for simultaneous or near
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Day 2 of SCCR31. The morning session was well attended and took place in the “old” and smaller meeting room. Delegates and NGOs can see each other in this room and it was leading to quite a bit of diplomacy and thus most probably consensus. Here is a selection of interventions regarding definitions of retransmission as stated in the Chair’s text under discussion:
(d) (1) “retransmission” means the transmission by any means of a broadcast [/cablecast] by any other entity than the original broadcasting [/cablecasting] organization, whether
Continue ReadingKEI intervention on definition of broadcasting
WIPO SCCR 31 is having a text based discussion of the language for a proposed broadcasting treaty. The meeting is open to NGOs, instant transcripts are streamed over the Internet, and the proceedings are webcast. I was allowed to make to technical interventions this afternoon on the definitions. This is a slightly edited version of my second intervention, on the question of whether or not to have separate definitions for broadcasting and cable casting.