Eleven of the 28 House democrats supporting Fast Track write USTR about Medicine IPR issues

Attached is a letter from eleven of the 28 House Democrats that supported the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) Fast Track legislation, on the topic of intellectual property rights and medicine. The letter, which is moderate and cautious in substance, but overall helpful given where negotiations stand, closes by telling Ambassador Froman that “As members who support trade done right, we strongly believe that TPP must not inhibit access to lifesaving medicines.”

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Sanders offers amendment to create compulsory licenses on medical inventions, for veterans

On Wednesday, July 22, 2015, the Senate Veterans Committee held a mark-up to consider several bills. During the mark-up, Senator Sanders offered an amendment, attached below, that would create a compulsory license mechanism in the Department of Veterans Affairs, for patents on medical inventions. (See amendment text below). The motivation for the amendment was a crisis in the VA involving access to drugs for the hepatitis C virus (HCV).

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KEI letter to Register of Copyrights, USPTO and OSTP on copyright issues in TPP

On the topic of the TPP and copyright, KEI has sent a letter to Maria Pallante, the Register of Copyrights, Shira Perlmutter, Chief Policy Officer and Director for International Affairs for USPTO, and Nancy Weiss, Senior Advisor to the Chief Technology Officer, Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), Executive Office of the President.

KEI asked these agencies to address certain issues in the TPP intellectual property chapter that relate to access to copyright issues, with a focus on orphan works, and uses by governments.

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Selected KEI blogs and letters on provisions in ACTA, TPP and other trade agreements on copyright damages and access to orphan works.

Selected KEI blogs and letters on provisions in ACTA, TPP and other trade agreements on copyright damages and access to orphan works. 2009 June 15, 2009, James Love, Damages, Injunctions and Transparency Key Issues in ACTA Negotiations. Available at /blogs/2009/06/15/thoughts-acta-negotiations… Continue Reading


EU Trade Commissioner Backs LDC Request for TRIPS Exemption for Pharmaceuticals Until Graduation from LDC Status

In a comprehensive, 2000 word speech to the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee (INTA) on Modernising Trade Policy – Effectiveness and Responsibility, European Trade Commissioner, Cecilia Malmström, cast a wide net in her speech covering in her words, 1) the “benefits of trade for all: our economy in general, consumers, entrepreneurs, SMEs and the poorest countries”, 2) “trade policy’s commitment to our values in the world, supporting our foreign policy, promoting the respect of human rights, soci Continue Reading
