Leak of TPP text on copyright Limitations and Exceptions

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Dmitry Medvedev’s Nov 2011 message to the G20 leaders on call for new copyright treaty

In 2011, Russia made a very important proposal to the G20 regarding the need for new global norms on copyright. Just a few parts of the message illustrate its ambition.

  • to expand the opportunities of right holders to manage and exercise the rights to the results of intellectual activities on the Internet;
  • to amend the way of obtaining a right holder’s consent
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SCCR/24/9 Prov. The revised “instrument” for copyright exceptions for disabilties

Attached below is the new text of the “instrument” for copyright exceptions for disabilties.
SCCR/24/9 Prov.
DATE: July 25, 2012

Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights

Twenty?fourth Session
Geneva, July 16 to 25, 2012

REVISED Working Document on an International Instrument on Limitations and Exceptions For Visually Impaired Persons/Persons with Print Disabilities

prepared by the Secretariat
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US position at WIPO on “the Nature of the Instrument” for copyright exceptions for disabilities

At WIPO SCCR 24, the negotiations on the text of an “instrument” on copyright exceptions for persons with disabilities appear to be going well. For the past year, the delegates have been close on the substantive issues, focusing on a handful of important nuances in the ways that beneficiaries of the agreement are defined, the types of works and rights covered, wording on safeguards, provisions for developing countries, and other technical issues such as the relationship to the Berne and TRIPS three step test. Continue Reading

Krista Cox, day of filing brief in Kirtsaeng case
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KEI letter to USTR regarding TPPA copyright provisions

The governments of Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Peru, Vietnam and the United States are negotiating a multilateral free trade agreement known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). The negotiations are being conducted with considerable secrecy, even though they address many issues of great interest to the general public. The Agreement will cover many topics, including intellectual property rights, the pricing of pharmaceutical drugs, and the rights of investors to sue states over policies and actions that impact their investments. Continue Reading


Statement by Ecuador at June 2012 WTO TRIPS Council on copyright limitations and exceptions

This statement was delivered by Ecuador on 5 June 2012 at the WTO TRIPS Council on copyright limitations and exceptions.

5-6 DE JUNIO DE 2012

Señor Presidente,

El Ecuador da la bienvenida a la iniciativa organizada por Brasil y Estados Unidos con respecto al punto L. sobre las limitaciones y excepciones a los derechos de autor en el marco de las negociaciones en curso en la OMPI.

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