WIPO SCP22: KEI statement on GRULAC proposal (SCP/22/5)
Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered the following intervention on 29 July 2015 during WIPO discussions on the proposal by the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC) to revise the 1979 WIPO Model Law for Developing Countries on Inventions.
KEI statement on GRULAC proposal (SCP/22/5)
WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP)
29 July 2015Proposal: Engage Member States in the Revision of the 1979 WIPO Model Law for Developing Countries on Inventions
SCP22: India’s Intervention on inventive step (SCP/22/3)
India delivered this lengthy, nuanced intervention on inventive step on 28 July 2015 citing the US Supreme Court observations on a person skilled in the art (PSIA), the KSR Int’l Co. v. Teleflex, Inc. decision on obviousness as applied to patent claims, the IPAB Roche decision (in relation to inventive step) and jurisprudence from the House of Lords on inventive step.
India’s Intervention on a study on inventive step (SCP/22/3) at SCP/22
SCP22: Opening statement of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries
On Monday afternoon, 27 July 2015, Brazil on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC) delivered the following opening statement which,inter alia, called for a
USTR proposals in TPP are in conflict with U.S. Supreme Court decisions on State Sovereign Immunity
Eleven of the 28 House democrats supporting Fast Track write USTR about Medicine IPR issues
Attached is a letter from eleven of the 28 House Democrats that supported the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) Fast Track legislation, on the topic of intellectual property rights and medicine. The letter, which is moderate and cautious in substance, but overall helpful given where negotiations stand, closes by telling Ambassador Froman that “As members who support trade done right, we strongly believe that TPP must not inhibit access to lifesaving medicines.”
WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents: What’s on the agenda?
The World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) Twenty-Second session of the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) is taking place from 27 July 2015 to 31 July 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland. The prior session of the Committee (November 2014) ended in deadlock. Ultimately, patents and health proved to be the deciding factor.
Sanders offers amendment to create compulsory licenses on medical inventions, for veterans
On Wednesday, July 22, 2015, the Senate Veterans Committee held a mark-up to consider several bills. During the mark-up, Senator Sanders offered an amendment, attached below, that would create a compulsory license mechanism in the Department of Veterans Affairs, for patents on medical inventions. (See amendment text below). The motivation for the amendment was a crisis in the VA involving access to drugs for the hepatitis C virus (HCV).
KEI letter to Register of Copyrights, USPTO and OSTP on copyright issues in TPP
On the topic of the TPP and copyright, KEI has sent a letter to Maria Pallante, the Register of Copyrights, Shira Perlmutter, Chief Policy Officer and Director for International Affairs for USPTO, and Nancy Weiss, Senior Advisor to the Chief Technology Officer, Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), Executive Office of the President.
KEI asked these agencies to address certain issues in the TPP intellectual property chapter that relate to access to copyright issues, with a focus on orphan works, and uses by governments.
Mylan criticisms of the TPP provisions as regards generic medicines, warns USTR on “lazy drafting”
Recent stuff on the TPP from KEI, plus some other relevant materials for Maui round
KEI’s release of TPP Intellectual Property Chapter – May 11, 2015 Draft Link to full text of the IP Chapter: /tpp/11may2015-ip-text 2015:2 KEI TPP Briefing Note: The Evolution of the Article on Patents/Patentable Subject Matter in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Intellectual… Continue Reading