TRIPS Council June 2015: Norway provides unequivocal support of LDC Group request for extension of the transition period

On Wednesday, 10 June 2015, Norway – a high-income member of the WTO with a GDP per capita of 100,898 USD- (Source: World Bank, 2013) delivered this powerful intervention supporting the LDC Group request for an extension of the transition period for pharmaceutical products. On the LDC Group’s specific request on extension until graduation, Norway said,

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Harvey Bale, former Director General of IFPMA, says Fast Track “favors the powerful over the weak”

Following the Friday vote in the House of Representatives which effectively blocked movement (for now) on the Trade Promotion Authority, and more generally, slowed down the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, I was contacted by Dr. Harvey Bale, the well known former Director General of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA). In an exchange on Facebook, Dr. Bale took favorable note of the outcome on fast track, and described the vote against fast track as “A very good day, Indeed.” I asked Dr. Continue Reading


WTO TRIPS Council (June 2015): India underscores the importance of de-linkage in discussions of financing innovation

In discussions at the June 2015 WTO TRIPS Council on the role of intellectual property in financing innovation, India underscored its commitment to the principle of de-linkage by stating,

Innovation should not be viewed within the narrow prism of intellectual property monopolies but framed within a holistic, knowledge ecosystem that includes open innovation, open knowledge approaches and de-linkage of R&D costs from product prices

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WTO TRIPS Council (June 2015): India’s statement on Non-Violation and Situational Complaints

On Tuesday, 9 June 2015, India delivered the following statement on Non-Violation and Situational Complaints (IP/C/W/385/Rev 1). Brazil introduced the paper along with 16 other WTO members including India. The 17 co-sponsors of this paper include Argentina, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Pakistan, Peru, Russian Federation, Sri Lanka and Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

The joint submission proposes the following action item for the Nairobi Ministerial from 15 December 2015 to 18 December 2015:

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Duke letter to White House on the problems with the TPP IP Chapter

Attached below is a May 20, 2015 letter from Duke researchers to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, setting our problems in the TPP IP Chapter. The letter is signed by Jason Cross, the Director of the Innovation & Technology Policy Lab (ITPLab) at the Sanford School of Public Policy & Duke Law School, at Duke University.

The whole letter (available in PDF format here) is worth reading. Here are a few sections from the letter:

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Two page summary: What does the TPP do as regards prices of drugs and other medical technologies?

Attached is a 2 page summary of the main provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) that will lead to higher prices for drugs and other medical technologies.

A pdf version of the note is available here: /wp-content/uploads/KEI-TPP-Briefing-2015-2-A2M.pdf

What does the TPP do as regards prices of drugs and other medical technologies?

KEI TPP Briefing note 2015:2
June 10, 2015

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WTO TRIPS Council (June 2015): LDC Group Presentation on the Extension of the Decision for Pharmaceutical Products

The LDC Group delivered the following statement on Wednesday, 8 June 2015 during WTO TRIPS Council discussions on their request on the extension of the decision on pharmaceutical products.


Mr. Chairman,

I make this presentation on behalf of the LDCs group. We thank you for calling this meeting and for your report.

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WTO TRIPS Council: World Health Organization issues unequivocal support of LDC transition period for pharmaceutical products

Today, on Wednesday, 10 June 2015, the World Trade Organization’s TRIPS Council discussed the LDC Group’s Request for an Extension of the Transitional Period Under Article 66.1 of the TRIPS Agreement for Least Developed Country Members with Respect to Pharmaceutical Products and for Waivers from the Obligation of Articles 70.8 and 70.9 of the TRIPS Agreement (Source: IP/C/W/605). Continue Reading


Sign-on Letter to USTR, be honest about impact of TPP on prices, access to medicines

KEI is circulating a sign on letter to be sent to Ambassador Michael Froman of USTR. We learned that in a USTR has been stating that there was no evidence that stronger intellectual property rules created barriers for access to medicine.

This is a shocking statement for USTR to make, and we are seeking confirmation and clarification of USTR’s assertion. The text of our letter follows below.

If you would like to sign on to this letter, please send your name, city and state of residence, and affiliation if any, along with contact details (only for confirmation if necessary), to:

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