TACD issues resolution on IPR enforcement

On June 18, 2009, The Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) issued a 2,000 word resolution on the enforcement of copyright, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights. The resolution is on the TACD web page here. A press release from the TACD IP-Working Group, with comments from several TACD members, is available on the web here.

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Amazon’s Soundproof Kindle books

In a 2002 article on "The Soundproof Book," George Kerscher and Jim Fruchterman explored the exclusionary impact of books with text-to-speech disabled.*  In 2008, Amazon began to disable text-to-speech in thousands of Kindle editions of ebooks.  Below are examples of the new Amazon soundproof books.

[*George Kerscher and Jim Fruchterman, "The Soundproof Book: Exploration of Rights Conflict and Access to Commercial EBooks for People with Disabilities," First Monday, Volume. 7, Number 6 – 3 June 2002.]

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WHA: Statement by the Government of Bolivia

This is the statement that the government of Bolivia delivered today to the 62nd World Health Assembly at the conclusion of the discussions on the Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property (WHA 61.21).

Statement of Bolivia on resolving outstanding elements of agenda item 12.8

Joint Statement on behalf of

Bangladesh, Barbados, Bolivia and Suriname, and
Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela

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WHA to take up IGWG resolution 9am Friday

The WHA will take up the WHA IGWG resolution at 9AM on Friday.

When discussing the issue of excluding the WHO from discussions about a medical R&D treaty, one PhRMA lobbyist told me “this was put to bed long ago.” He was in part referring to a WHO “green room” meeting that was organized before the Obama inauguration. One negotiator said the pharmaceutical companies are pressing hard to kill the medical R&D treaty here “before the new people take over.”

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