Norm setting on copyright limitations and exceptions at WIPO: What is ready?

Over the past several weeks there have been a several cases where some well motivated and knowledgeable persons about copyright policy have expressed criticism of an effort by WIPO to negotiate a treaty for persons who are blind or have other reading disabilities, on the grounds that this is not ambitious enough, and a larger all inclusive treaty on limitations and exceptions should be the target.

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$2 billion and $147 billion: WHO releases detailed costing estimates for implementing WHO IGWG plan of action

On 21 January 2009, WHO released a document (EB124/16 Add.2) relating to the global strategy and plan of action of the public health, innovation and intellectual strand of its work entitled “Proposed time frames and estimated funding needs“. This document is a costing exercise to “estimate funding needs for the implementation of the plan”. Continue Reading


Jan 16-17, 2009. KEI, HAI, MSF, Oxfam, UAEM & IQsensato Roundtable on prizes for Type II & III diseases, Geneva

Roundtable on De-linking R&D Incentives from Prices: Designing Innovation Inducement Prizes for Diagnostics, New Drugs and Vaccines for Type II and III diseases and conditions, with a particular focus on TB and Chagas Disease

The meeting is going to be small with around 40 high level policy makers and technical participants, including industry, donors, civil society and government officials.

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Jan 12-13, 2009. Patents, Copyrights and Knowledge Governance, the next four years

TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue, Washington, DC.

The TACD conference on Patents, Copyrights and Knowledge Governance: the next fours years is going to be held on January 12-13th, 2009 in Washington, DC.

Venue: Carnegie Institution of Washington • 1530 P Street NW • Washington, DC 20005

The event is free and is now open for registrations on the TACD website:

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KEI reaction to composition of WHO Expert Working Group on R&D financing

WHO has announced the names for the Expert Working Group on R&D financing

We don’t know everyone on the list, but for the people that we do know, we are generally impressed. The WHO seems to have created a body with considerable expertise and reputation, and included people who will consider new ideas. This seems like a very good start.

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