KEI comments to DHHS on WHA agenda 17.4, the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development

Re: 17.4 Follow-up of the report of the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination Document A68/34

My name is James Love, from Knowledge Ecology International. I wanted to discuss the negotiations on new approaches to funding medical R&D.

I will begin with the much delayed discussions about a WHO R&D treaty, which are supposed to resume in 2016.

We have suggestions for some changes in the discussion, to move things forward.

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KEI Comments on DHHS Session on WHA68, agenda item 14.1, regarding collection of economic data

Rajasingh-1-IMG_3157_1024x716.pngOn Friday May 8, 2015, the US Department of Health and Human Services held a listening session to solicit input on the agenda items for the upcoming 68th World Health Assembly. KEI delivered five interventions covering a range of critical WHA topics. The full provisional agenda of the 68th WHA can be accessed here:

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KEI Comments to DHHS on WHA68 agenda 11.2, Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors

On Friday May 8, 2015, the US Department of Health and Human Services held a listening session to solicit input on the agenda items for the upcoming 68th World Health Assembly. KEI delivered five interventions covering a range of critical WHA topics. The full provisional agenda of the 68th WHA can be accessed here:

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Letter from KEI to USPTO regarding implementation of Beijing Treaty

On May 5, 2015, KEI sent a letter to the USPTO regarding the implementation of the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances. The letter focuses on concerns that KEI and others have expressed that a treaty implementation by amendment of 17 U.S. Code ยง 1101, regarding the “Unauthorized fixation and trafficking in sound recordings and music videos,” creates problems, because the statute involves a right that is perpetual and not subject to normal copyright exceptions. Continue Reading


Seminars on Drug Pricing: Part 1, Paul Grootendorst

Today, KEI hosted the first talk in a series of seminars on drug pricing. The seminar, conducted via video conference, focused on the Canadian approach to drug pricing. Each seminar in the series is intended to contribute to the discussion on drug pricing and how we can improve affordability and access to medicines. Paul Grootendorst began with a presentation (the slides are available here), before opening up the discussion to questions from those participating in the video conference.

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California AB 463 (Pharmacetical Cost Transparency Act of 2015) Held Over as Two-Year Bill

Yesterday, under intense pressure from the powerful pharmaceutical industry lobby, California Assembly Member Dan Chiu withheld bill AB 463, the Pharmaceutical Cost Transparency Act of 2015. A vote on the bill had already been postponed for a week in order to allow Assembly Member Chiu more time to address various concerns raised by colleagues in the Health Committee. Continue Reading
