SCCR29: Summary By the Chair

On Friday, 12 December 2014, Martin Moscoso, the Chair of the 29th session of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR29) released his Summary By the Chair (attached below) which contained language on the 1) protection of broadcasting organizations, 2) limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives and 3) limitations and exceptions for educational and research institutions and for person with other disabilities. Continue Reading

SCCR 29 Negotiations on Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries and Archives (US, Greece, Kenya, Brazil)

This morning on the last day of the WIPO SCCR 29, we are listening to the opening statements regarding the work on limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives. The positive buzz of yesterday’s animated Q & A with Dr. Crews is replaced by the re-stating of well-known positions on the topic.

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SCCR29: Opening statement of the Asia and the Pacific Group on limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives

On Thursday afternoon, 11 December 2014, Bangladesh delivered the following powerful intervention on behalf of the Asia and the Pacific Group on limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives. This group includes nations such as Bangladesh, Iran, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand. The Asia and Pacific Group stressed that copyright limitations and exceptions were assured to developing countries and LDCs to ensure a more balanced and efficient international copyright system anchored in Article 7 of the WTO TRIPS Agreement,

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SCCR 29 Libraries, Archives and Public Interest NGOs in Q&A with Dr. Crews

While the many publishers representatives took the floor to explain that there are truly no problems with limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives (and anyway according to them if there are problems that can be solved with licenses), libraries & archives as well as public interest groups make their case: the committee must continue its work on limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives and find solutions.. Here are excerpts from some of the interventions:

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SCCR 29 KEI’s questions on the 3 step test, Berne Revisions & News snippets and Dr. Crews answers

Following Professor Crews’ presentation of his updated report on limitations and exceptions (L&E) for libraries and archives, today more member states, IGOs and NGOs engaged again in an interesting Q&A. After years in this committee, I have rarely witnessed such enthusiasm and interest among all the SCCR participants about a report. Continue Reading