OECD high forum, where are the NGO voices?

The OECD High Level Forum to be held in the Netherlands on June 20 and 21, proposes to discuss new policy strategies to stimulate innovation for and access to medicines for neglected diseases. The meeting has on its face very laudable goals. But while NGOs have been invited to the HLF, they have not been given sufficient opportunity to contribute to the discussion Only one NGO has been invited to speak. By contrast other actors from academia and industry have been given multiple opportunities to present their views.

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WIPO Development Agenda: Cluster assignments

The first day of informals at the Development Agenda meeting this week concluded at around 7:10 PM. Cluster A on Technical Assistance and Capacity Building was discussed. Early reports indicate good progress was made (on the 4 paragraphs of agreed text contained in the Cluster A recommendations) but the negotiations on Cluster A have not yet been concluded.

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Views on the 60th World Health Assembly IGWG resolution

On 23 May 2007, the 60th World Health Assembly, the World Health Organization’s highest governing body, adopted resolution WHA60.30 on Public health, innovation and intellectual property. This resolution bolstered the work program of WHO’s Intergovernmental Working Group on Public health, innovation and intellectual property (IGWG/PHI). This is the key operative section of the resolution, and the reactions by several key persons.

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