
Prize4Life is an effort to accelerate treatments for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). It was created by 32 year old Avichai “Avi” Kremer. According to news reports Kremer was diagnosed with ALS in 2004, and has only a few years to live. He started Prize4Life to raise money for prizes to stimulation research.

Here are some extracts from this moving story in the March 28 issue of the Boston Globe:

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March 8, 2007 Geneva Q&A Session on Thai White Paper

Knowledge Ecology International: Q&A Session on Thai White Paper (Facts and Evidences on the 10 Burning Issues Related to the Government Use of Patents on Three Patented Essential Drugs in Thailand) Geneva, Switzerland 8 March 2007 Thiru Balasubramaniam On Thursday,… Continue Reading

Christine LAGARDE asked to change EU “opt-out” of 30 August 2003 decision regarding imports of generic medicines manufactured under a compulsory license

Original page: Christine LAGARDE asked to change EU “opt-out” of 30 August 2003 decision regarding imports of generic medicines manufactured under a compulsory license To: Christine LAGARDE, Ministre déléguée au Commerce extérieur, France From: Manon Ress and James Love,… Continue Reading

Senator Schumer Press release calling for use of 28 USC 1498 to authorize generic manufacture of oseltamivir (TN: Tamiflu)

Schumer’s October 16, 2005 press release As Avian Flu Closes In On U.S., Schumer Calls For Immediate Action: Demands Suspension Of Tamiflu Patent So Vaccine Can Be Mass-Produced, Dramatically Increasing Supply Tamiflu, the Only Effective Treatment of Bird Flu in… Continue Reading

CPTech Letter to USTR Portman Regarding US Position on WTO Opt-Out of Compulsory Licensing Mechanism

Original page: 14 October 2005 Honorable Rob Portman United States Trade Representative 600 17th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20508 Dear Ambassador Portman: We are writing to ask that the United States government address a mistake in trade policy that… Continue Reading

2005: Letter of 162 experts asking World Health Organization to evaluate a proposed treaty framework for medical research and development.

The attached is a February 24, 2005 letter signed by 162 experts, asking the World Health Organization to Evaluate New Treaty Framework for Medical Research and Development The proposal for a Medical R&D Treaty (MRDT) was designed as an alternative… Continue Reading