UPDATE: TRIPS Council (Oct. 2014): Ukraine requests discussion on compatibility of tobacco plain packaging measures with TRIPS

UPDATE: On 17 October 2014, the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization (WTO) circulated an updated WTO airgram WTO/AIR/4358 REV. 1 to its Members following a request by Ukraine. Ukraine requested the addition of an item on “Concerns with Respect to Measures Related to Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products and their Compatibility with the TRIPS Agreement.” This will be discussed under agenda item 13. Continue Reading


KEI Notes & Comments at TTIP Seventh Round of Negotiations at Stakeholder Event

The 7th Round of the negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Agreement began Monday September 29, 2014 in the United States. This round’s paltry effort at transparency, the TTIP Stakeholder Engagement Day, was held at the suburban 4-H conference center in Chevy Chase, MD. Although the information packet for the event included public transport instructions, the location was difficult to access for any attendees without a car, and even then, parking was extremely limited. Continue Reading

WIPO General Assembly: Worst ever?

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WIPO General Assembly 2014: Decision Paragraph on the Design Law Treaty-Decision punted till 2015

On 30 September 2014, the WIPO secretariat handed the following text relating to the “Consideration of the Convening of a Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Design Law Treaty (DLT).”

Consideration of the Convening of a Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Design Law Treaty (DLT)

Agenda item 14 Decision Paragraph

The WIPO General Assembly:

Will at its session in September 2015 decide on whether to convene a diplomatic conference for the adoption of a Design Law Treaty as soon as practicable.”

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WIPO General Assembly 2014: Draft decision on item 16 (IGC on genetic resources, traditional knowledge & folklore)

On 30 September 2014, the WIPO secretariat handed the following draft decision relating to the WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC).

GA 2014

Draft decision on item 16

The WIPO General Assembly:

(1)) took note of the information contained in document WO/GA/46/6;

(2) took note of the statements made by delegations at the Forty-Sixth Session of the WIPO General Assembly in 2014; and

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WIPO General Assembly 2014: No Decision Reached on the Work of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR)

On Tuesday, 30 September 2014, the Secretariat handed out the following text:

Matters relating to the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) Agenda item 15 Decision Paragraph

The WIPO General Assembly

(i) took note of the information contained in document WO/GA/46/5; and

(ii) took note of the statements made by delegations at the 46th session of the WIPO General Assembly in 2014.

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European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommends approval of Harvoni, Gilead’s all oral HCV combination product

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is recommending approval of Harvoni, a combination of 9mg of ledipasvir (LDV) and 400mg of sofosbuvir (SOF), for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in adults. This is the “all oral” combination product, delivered in daily does of just 490 mg of API, for the “cure of patients with chronic HCV infection without the need for treatments involving interferons.”

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Brazil asks delegates to embrace work on copyright exceptions