Cross-Border Evidence at SCCR 27 May 1, 2014

If the Broadcasters’treaty often appeared to be a treaty in search of a problem in the last few days (or years?), the Libraries and Archives’ problem is about a treaty in search of a solution… or maybe solutions. And if the problems (and thus solutions) were not specifically cross borders…well, the librarians and archivists of the world would not be here “en masse” testifying at the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, a Committee extremely proud to have created the WCT and the WPPT to solve the cross border issues of copyright owners.

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The Need for an International Agreement on Orphan Works? A Large Coalition of Librarians & Archivists Make the Case at SCCR27

Orphan works are obviously the bread and butter of libraries and even more so for Archives, the very institutions that deal daily and all over the world with unpublished, anonymous but still culturally extremely valuable works. One would think that since there is little economic value for these types of works as well as an obvious international need to preserve and access these types of works, the discussions could go smoothly and result quickly in a new WIPO agreement. However, progress are slow, too slow for the good of copyright!

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SCCR 27 Topic 2: Libraries & Archives

After 3pm the SCCR 27 (April 30, 2014) turned to Topic 2: Libraries and archives

In brief, countries supporting progress on a binding instrument on limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives include the Africa Group, Iran, Mexico, India, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ecuador, Morocco, Russia, Tunisia, Chile, Congo…

Representative quote of a proponent:
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SCCR 27 WIPO *New* Broadcasters’ Treaty: Impact on Rights Owners

As promised in my previous blog, here in their own words, Tuesday April 29, 2014 afternoon session of SCCR 27, the view point of copyright owners on the proposed treaty for broadcasting organizations. The fact that it is quite repetitive is probably one of the points they were trying to make and it was in fact quite effective in “changing” the general mood of the meeting.

The two following quotes summarize the arguments:

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Is the WIPO Treaty for Broadcasters Moving Forward at SCCR 27?

The WIPO treaty for the Protection of Broadcasting Organization: The Way Forward?

On day 2 of Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) 27, it looks as if the US delegation was showing the SCCR delegates a “way forward” for a new treaty for broadcasting organizations. It seemed as if US diplomacy was working efficiently and the US proposal was gathering support. However, while the US proposal was indeed gathering support, public interest groups and copyright owners also became more vocal in their opposition to the proposal on the table.

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SCCR27: Asia Pacific Group outlines its position on the broadcast treaty and copyright L&Es

The Republic of Korea delivered the following statement outlining the position of the Asia Pacific Group (a large and diverse group of Member States including but not limited to Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, the Republic of Korea and Singapore).

Asia Pacific Group Statement for SCCR 27- final

Thank you Mr. Chairman

Good morning dear colleagues.

Mr. Chairman,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of Asia Pacific group.

Mr. Chairman,

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SCCR27: US position on the Scope of Application (Article 6) of the proposed Broadcasting Treaty

The WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR27) is currently discussing Article 6 (Scope of Application) of the working text of the proposed Treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations (SCCR/27/2).

The United States of America delivered this nuanced intervention on the Scope of Application.

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KEI opposes negotiations at WIPO on a broadcasting treaty

KEI comment to SCCR 27 on the proposed Broadcasters Treaty

KEI is a non-profit organization representing consumer and public interests and seeking better outcomes for knowledge governance.

KEI opposes continued discussions in the SCCR on the treaty for broadcasting, for the following reasons.

1. The broadcasting organizations have failed to explain (a) the problem the treaty is supposed to address, (b) how the proposed text is related to the alleged problem.

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