New leaked Merck missive reveals deep drug, medical device company opposition to South African patent reforms

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2014: KEI testimony on WIPO broadcasting treaty, to House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and Internet

Testimony of James Packard Love
Hearing on: The Scope of Copyright Protection
January 14, 2014
Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet

My 10 page written statement is here: /wp-content/uploads/JamesLove_Testimony.pdf

My 5 minute oral statement follows:

James Packard Love, Opening statement

Hearing on: The Scope of Copyright Protection
January 14, 2014
Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet

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WIPO hosts Conference on Open Innovation: Collaborative Projects and the Future of Knowledge (22-23 January 2014)

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) will host a “Conference on Open Innovation: Collaborative Projects and the Future of Knowledge” on 22-23 January 2014 at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

The origins of this conference on open collaborative development models is predicated upon Recommendation 36 of the WIPO Development Agenda which states:

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LESI to convene Global Technology Impact Forum (20-21 January 2014) at WIPO followed by dinner at the Mandarin Oriental

The Licensing Executives Society International, Inc. (LESI) is convening its annual Global Technology Impact Forum (GTIF) at the headquarters of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) from 20 to 21 January 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland. Although this international forum is hosted in Room A at WIPO headquarters, this event (at the time of publication of this blog) does not appear on the calendar of WIPO events for January 2014. Continue Reading


Final conclusions, as approved, for meeting of WIPO SCCR 26

Below is the final version of the conclusions from SCCR 26 (followed at the end with a short KEI commentary).

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR)
Twenty–sixth Session
Geneva, December 20, 2013


Protection of Broadcasting Organizations

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James K Glassman
James K. Glassman. Merck said Glassman’s public relations firm was selected by PhRMA to lead a campaign to keep drug prices high in South Africa. The Health Minister in South Africa referred to the campaign proposal as a genocidal conspiracy of satanic magnitude.