Leaked TPP Text Versus the USPTO Green Paper: Cell Phone Unlocking

The USPTO’s green paper on “Copyright Policy, Creativity and Innovation in the Digital Economy” surveys current copyright law and notes that there are several areas where reform may be welcome. In many of these areas, the USPTO green paper demonstrates an openness to discussion on these issues or support existing efforts and proposals. Despite this support in some areas for reform and despite the USPTO’s involvement in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiating process, there are several areas where the United States’ position in the TPP could hinder such reform. Continue Reading


TPP Negotiating Parties’ Counterproposal to the US on Medicines Represents a More Flexible Approach

On November 13, 2013, Wikileaks obtained and published a copy of the consolidated IP negotiating chapter for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). This leak has allowed the public to learn what is in the text, including about the reported five country counterproposal to the United States’ proposal on pharmaceuticals and medicines.

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GE’s Thaddeus Burns wrote to US Ambassador Betty King requesting US postpone Marrakesh Diplomatic Conference

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Thaddeus Burns of GE spent months trying to derail the WIPO treaty for the blind negotiations
The letter opposing the treaty for the blind was signed by TABC Director General Tim Bennett

We just ran across this mean spirited letter by the Trans-Atlantic Business Council (TABC), a group that describes itself as follows:

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