WIPO broadcast treaty: zombie agenda coming back to life?

In 2007 the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) buried the broadcast treaty in cold storage when it decided (WO/GA/34/16) that the convening of a Diplomatic Conference for the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations could only take place “after agreement on objectives, specific scope and object of protection has been achieved.” Commenting on the broadcast treaty and the break down in negotiations, KEI noted in 2007:

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The WIPO Broadcast Treaty Negotiations Begin

This week the WIPO Standing Committee is holding a meeting to consider a possible treaty for broadcasting organizations. KEI thought this treaty negotiation had been blocked by fundamental differences over the purposes and scope of the treaty in 2007, but in the past few years the US Copyright office asked to put the issue back on the SCCR agenda, and subsequently Francis Gurry and Ambassador Trevor Clarke from the WIPO Secretariat have pushed to reach a conclusion, and more recently South Africa, Mexico, Japan and some other countries are now quite active, in favor of a new treaty.

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R&D costs for Gleevec

In a bid to generate sympathy for its defeat in the Supreme Court of India over efforts to evergreen patent protection for the cancer drug imatinib (trade names Gleevec or Glivec) in developing countries, Novartis has been making increasingly spectacular claims as regards its investments in the development of the drug. Continue Reading


WIPO treaty for the blind and Article F: Obligations concerning technological protection measures

In the final stretch towards the Marrakesh Diplomatic Conference to conclude a Treaty for the Blind, Visually Impaired and other Reading Disabled Persons (17 June 2013 to 28 June 2013), it is perhaps important to take note of one important area of divergence, namely, the language contained in Article F of the Draft Text of an International Instrument/Treaty on Limitations and Exceptions for Visually Impaired Persons/Persons with Print Disabilities (SCCR/25/2 REV) w Continue Reading


More notes on the India EU FTA (BTIA)

Earlier KEI published sections of the the EU India Negotiating FTA/BTIA negotiating text dealing with enforcement, along with some commentary on Article 17-31: /node/1681.

On March 28, 2013, KEI obtained another document with Article 1-5,7-8,10-33 of the negotiating next. The new text is available at /node/1691

Krista Cox will be providing her impressions here: /node/1693

Here are KEI’s quick reactions to the text.

Among the provisions in the TRIPS which protect consumers are Article 7, 8 and 40.

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Negotiating Text, EU/India FTA (BTIA)

This is a copy of the negotiating text for the India-EU Broad-based Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA), also referred to as the India/EU FTA. It does not include Article 6, which I assume concerns patents, or have any text for Article 9 on Geographical Indications. The text includes country positions. We are not certain of the date of this text. KEI has some commentary at /node/1692

Consolidated draft India-EU FTA (BTIA)

IPR chapter

Art. 1 – Definition [Agreed]

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KEI comments to House Trade Subcommittee on U.S.-India Trade Relations

Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) comments
U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Trade, March 13, 2013 Hearing on U.S.-India Trade Relations

Name: James Love
Organization: Knowledge Ecology International
Address: 1621 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20009
Phone Number: 1.202.332.2670
Contact E-mail Address: James.Love@KEIonline.Org
Title of Hearing: U.S.-India Trade Relations


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