Microsoft, Gates Foundation Timeline

November 29, 2010 Revised January 4, 2011 Introduction This timeline contains a number of selected data points concerning Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). The motivations for this timeline, which features entries for both Microsoft and the… Continue Reading


Communication to SCCR delegates regarding the beneficiaries of a new WIPO treaty for copyright exceptions for disabilities

Information note to SCCR delegates on the scope of disabilities in a new WIPO treaty

12 November 2010

The delegates to the SCCR are considering various proposals to deal with expanded access to copyrighted works by persons who are blind or who have other disabilities.

The proposal sponsored by Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay would extend the benefits of the treaty, not only to persons who are blind or visually impaired, but also as follows:

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Your tax dollars at work. Obama administration funding of pro-right holder NGO work on IPR protection, fy 2009

USPTO’s $4 million of Congressionally Mandated Spending on intellectual property initiatives, for fy 2009

This is the USPTO list of grants for fy 2009. The $4 million in grants were used to influence global norms on IPR policy.

A new round of grants will go out soon for fy 2010, involving another $4 million of Congressionally Mandated Spending on Intellectual Property Initiatives (IPI).

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