ACTA’s Article 2.3, on “Other Remedies”: the July 1, 2010 text

Article 2.3 of the July 1, 2010 version of the ACTA text provides for “Other Remedies” for infringement. The Japan, Switzerland and EU versions of the text appear to be overreaching, including for example by directly conflicting with explicit TRIPS provisions and provisions in the laws of ACTA negotiating countries, including several European Countries.

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ACTA briefing by De Gucht in the European Parliament

This week, the European Commission conducted two briefings for members of the European Parliament.

On Monday, July 12, members of the European Parliament’s INTA Committee (Committee on International Trade) were briefed by EU ACTA negotiators Luc Devigne and Pedro Valesco in a private, closed meeting.

Today, July 13, Karel De Gucht, EU Commissioner for Trade held a public briefing in the LIBE Committee (Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs). The video is now available here

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Geneva workshop on ACTA, June 28, 2010

On June 28, 2010, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) and IQsensato are co-hosting a workshop on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA).

The Location of the meeting is the Maison des Associations, on Rue des Savoises 15, Geneva, in the Salle Gandhi.


  • Carlos Correa, University of Buenos Aires
  • Erik Josefsson, Adviser, Greens/EFA-European Parliament
  • James Love, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI)
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