European Union announces its mandate to negotiate a binding Treaty for the Blind

On 19 November 2012, the European Union announced to WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) that it now had the mandate to “negotiate the conclusion conclusion of an instrument including a binding treaty” for the blind.


Statement by the European Union and its Member States 25th Session of WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights

Mr Chairman,

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Mark Dybul emerges victorious in Global Fund leadership race defeating candidates from Canada, France and UK

It was a papal conclave save for the plume of white smoke. At 17h04 on Thursday, 15 November 2012, the board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria announced that Dr Mark Dybul would be the organization’s next Executive Director following a process marked by opacity and secrecy that would do the Vatican proud. Dybul (former United States Global AIDS Coordinator) beat a field of three other candidates that included, Monique Barbut (France), Robert Greenhill (Canada) and Barbara Stocking (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). Continue Reading


Pay-for-Delay Circuit Split Continues; 31 States File Amicus Brief Arguing Pay-For-Delay is Presumptively Unlawful

Earlier this year, in the case In re K-Dur, the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit found that reverse settlement agreements, also known as “pay-for delay” arrangements, were prima facie evidence of anticompetitive behavior. The court noted that the presumption that such payments are unreasonable restraints of trade can be rebutted by a showing that the payment either offered a pro-competitive benefit or that the payment was for a purpose other than delayed entry into the market of generics. Continue Reading


NIH expects to rule on ritonavir march-in petition “by the end of the year”

Mark Rohrbaugh has written to Krista Cox to acknowledge the October 25, 2012 march-in petition. According to Rohrbaugh, the petition has be delegated to NIH’s Office of Technology Transfer (OTT), and “NIH has begun to review the issues you have brought to our attention.” Rohrbaugh closes by saying “We expect to respond to your request by the end of the year.” Continue Reading


WTO TRIPS Council (November 2012): Intervention of Brazil on Intellectual Property and Innovation

On 7 November 2012, Brazil delivered the following intervention under agenda item M, “Intellectual Property and Innovation”.

Statement by Brazil. TRIPS Council.
“Intellectual Property and Innovation”.

Thank you Chairman,

When Brazil asked for an item on “Intellectual Property and Innovation” to be included in the agenda of this session of the TRIPS Council, together with the US delegation, its primary intention was to help set the stage for a debate, without prejudging any outcome whatsoever.

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