WIPO GA 2012 calls upon the SCT to expedite work on a Design Law Treaty

After lengthy informal negotiations on 7 October 2012, the plenary of the WIPO General Assembly (GA) 2012 resumed after 18:00 to present the consensus language on the decision point concerning agenda item 28 (ii) on the Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT). In particular, the GA agreed to expedite the work of the basic proposals for a Design Law Treaty. In 2013, the GA would “take stock of and consider the text, progress made, and decide on convening a diplomatic conference”. Continue Reading


US department of Commerce heavily redacts FOIA request regarding Thailand compulsory license

What type of leverage has the Obama Administration used to pressure Thailand to prevent the granting of compulsory licenses on drug patents? The US Department of Commerce has just released a FOIA request with 298 pages of documents on this topic. 136 pages of the FOIA are for a Fall 2010 masters theses by Stephanie Tranchevent Rosenberg (pages 36 to 171 of the FOIA). Continue Reading

WIPO GA, notes from October 3, 2012

This morning, under agenda item 6, the WIPO General Assemblies decided to defer a decision until 2013 on the application for accreditation by Pirate Parties International. I was told that the US, Switzerland the France raised objections in the informal consultations, and that some other European countries wanted to raise objections, but found it awkward given the recent success of domestic Pirate Parties in national elections. The USA said it asked for a hold on the decision until WIPO could decide if it wanted to accept political parties as WIPO observers. Continue Reading


General Statement of Chile to the WIPO General Assembly 2012 (calling for WIPO to conclude a Treaty for VIPs)

Fernando Schmidt, Subsecretario de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile (Vice-Minister of External Relations, Chile), delivered the following general statement on 1 October 2012. Chile acknowledged that while a favorable environment in WIPO proved conducive to the successful passage of the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances, major challenges remained. Of great import was the convening of a diplomatic conference in 2013 to conclude a Treaty for the Blind which would be a milestone in the multilateral intellectual property system. Continue Reading


General Statement of India to the WIPO General Assembly 2012 (raises concerns on public health and green technology)

The following statement was delivered by Shri Saurabh Chandra, Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi on Monday, 1 October 2012 at the WIPO General Assembly.

In her statement, India stressed that intellectual property norms must not create “monopoly situations which may hinder competition and access to technology”.

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More on the 3-step test in global copyright negotiations

This is an elaboration on the 3-step test in multilateral agreements. The 1996 WCT Copyright treaty has bad language on the 3-step test, but the WCT is not now part of the TRIPS agreement, and is only subject to dispute resolution via trade agreements outside of the WTO, like the TPPA.

If the WCT is referenced under the general provisions to the TPPA, you also get the 3-step test in the TPPA, subject, however, to the agreed upon statement regarding Article 10, which is helpful.

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Report of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights to the fiftieth session of the WIPO General Assembly

The fiftieth Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is meeting on Geneva from 1 October 2012 to 9 October 2012. Agenda item 26 is the “Report on the Work of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR)” which according to the provisional agenda, is scheduled for discussion on Thursday, 4 October 2012. Continue Reading
