WIPO SCCR/17 day one, on copyright L&E

I’m in Geneva at WIPO for the 17th SCCR meeting. The first two days have presentations of four WIPO studies of copyright limitations and exceptions. Each study gets a half day. The first presentation was by Sam Ricketson.

WIPO Study on Limitations and Exceptions of Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Environment, (SCCR/9/7), April 5, 2003. prepared by Mr. Sam Ricketson, Professor of Law, University of Melbourne and Barrister, Victoria, Australia

The Ricketson presentation was very clear.

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Questions linger on WIPO copyright committee’s leadership race

It is 10:25 AM here in Geneva and the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) has yet to begin. The buzz in the hallways indicates that Finland, Italy, Senegal and Canada are vying for leadership of this Committee which will have important ramifications for WIPO’s work on limitations and exceptions, the public domain, competition and access to knowledge. From our perspective, we hope that the this Committee will augur in the fresh winds of change that will change the direction of WIPO’s work on copyright and related rights towards a positive agenda.

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KEI comments on US Patent office RFC on “Unlocking the Full Potential of Intellectual Property by Translating More Innovation to the Marketplace”

Comments by Knowledge Ecology International, Regarding: Request for Comments: Unlocking the Full Potential of Intellectual Property by Translating More Innovation to the Marketplace, Notice by the Patent and Trademark Office on 03/15/2024, Document Citation: 89 FR 18907, Agency/Docket Number: Docket… Continue Reading