Leahy on patent trolls, licensing on reasonable terms

In a May 9, 2012 hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on oversight of the intellectual property enforcement coordinator, Senator Leahy asked Victoria Espinel about patent trolls, and failures to license patents on reasonable terms to achieve interoperability where standards are important. Leahy asked Victoria Espinel to work with USDOJ’s antitrust officials to deal with abuses by patent holders in both cases.

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KEI Files Brief in Kirtsaeng v John Wiley & Sons (copyright first sale doctrine case)

Today, July 9, 2012, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court of the United States in support of neither party in the case Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons.

Krista Cox, day of filing brief in Kirtsaeng case
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WIPO text-based negotiations on an instrument to protect traditional cultural expressions (9 July 2012-13 July 2012)

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is convening the 22nd session of the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore from 9 July 2012-13 July 2012. The 22nd session will deliberate over draft articles relating to the protection of traditional cultural expressions contained in document (WIPO/GRTKF/IC/22/4). These discussions are guided by the mandate of the Fortieth Session of the WIPO General Assembly which states:

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USPTO “clarifies” June 27, 2012 testimony on biologics exclusivity and India compulsory license

Deputy USPTO Director Teresa Stanek Rea has issued a retraction of her statement regarding Administration support for 12 years of exclusive rights in test data for biologic drugs, and moderated somewhat her statement on the India compulsory license for Nexavar. USTR also issued a statement on the issue of biologic test data in response to Rea’s earlier comments.

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USPTO and Congress bash India over the Nexavar compulsory license

Teresa Stanek Rea On June 27, 2012, Teresa Stanek Rea, the Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and the Deputy Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), testified at a hearing on: “International IP Enforcement: Protecting Patents, Trade Secrets and Market Access”, before the US House of Representatives, Judicary Committee, Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition, and the Continue Reading


The European Orphan Works Directive: a missed opportunity?

Earlier this month, the European Parliament and the European Commission released a new compromise text on orphan works.

The Compromise Text is available here:

KEI sees the text as a step backwards for access to knowledge. The proposed directive makes far too many compromises, is too limited in terms of the beneficiaries and uses of works, and creates complicated, burdensome and costly procedures and record keeping requirements.

Background on earlier EU consultations

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