Unanimous Supreme Court decision invalidates Prometheus diagnostic test patents and reverses Federal Circuit decision

In a major patent ruling today, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a unanimous decision in Mayo v. Prometheus Laboratories. The case, heard twice before the Federal Circuit (once before the Supreme Court’s ruling in Bilski and once after), has been closely followed because of its impacts on personalized medicine and potential implications for the Myriad Genetics case on the BRCA genes. The Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and held that Prometheus’ patents-at-issue were not eligible for patent protection.

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Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for medicines?

Sally Susman of Pfizer leads the most lethal lobbying effort on drug patents and prices. She’s also a big Obama campaign fundraiser.

For several years, Pfizer has been considered a hardliner among big pharma companies on international negotiations over intellectual property rights and drug pricing. This has not changed despite the company having had three CEOs in the past five years.

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WTO Dispute Settlement: Ukraine files dispute against Australia (13 March 2012) on Tobacco Plain Packaging Bill 2011

The following information is taken directly from the World Trade Organization’s dispute settlement web page which reports that on 13 March 2012, Ukraine requested consultations with Australia under the WTO’s dispute settlement system with respect to Australia’s Tobacco Plain Packaging Bill 2011 which the WTO website noted imposes “trademark restrictions and other plain packaging requirements on tobacco products“.

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Steve Ricchetti’s former clients, and Joe Biden

On March 12, 2012, Steve Ricchetti began his new job as a high level policy adviser to Vice President Biden. Steve Ricchetti is a former registered lobbyist, who de-listed as a registered lobbyist but remained the president of a lobbying firm until taking his new job in the White House.

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KEI Statement on India’s granting of compulsory license to patents on cancer drug sorafenib (NATCO Vs. BAYER)

The India Controller General Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks has just (March 12, 2012) issued an order granting a compulsory license to patents on the cancer drug sorafenib/Nexavar, in the matter of NATCO Vs. BAYER. A copy of the decision is attached below.

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CCIA proposes alternative text for TPPA, but proposals do not address many problems in the text

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) recently made proposals for what it considers to be necessary “to make the Internet work” in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. The proposals put forth either as additions or alternatives to some of what the US has tabled are, in general, a step in the right direction as they seek to improve copyright exceptions and limit liability. Continue Reading

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