EB130: CMC Churches’ Action for Health intervention on the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development (CEWG)

This was the statement delivered by CMC Churches’ Action for Health intervention on 21 January 2012 on the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination at the 130th WHO Executive Board meeting.

CMC Churches’ Action for Health intervention on the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research
and Development: Financing and Coordination at the 130th WHO Executive Board meeting

WHO 130th Executive Board Agenda Item 6.14

Intervention by James Love, CMC Churches’ Action for Health

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KEI files amicus brief in BRCA gene patent case

Since May 2009, the ACLU and Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) have been litigating a case involving the patent eligibility of two human genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, associated with ovarian and breast cancer. ACLU and PUBPAT, representing the petitioners, Association for Molecular Pathology, among others, have argued that human genes are not patentable and that patents on such objects stifle diagnostic testing and further research.

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WHO reform efforts to consider new modalities for engagement with NGOs, foundations, partnerships and for-profit-organizations

WHO reform is among the hot topics for consideration at the 130th session of the WHO Executive Board which meets from 16 January 2012 to 23 January 2012. One paper in particular, EB130/5 Add.4, entitled, “Governance: Promoting engagement with other stakeholders and involvement with and oversight of partnerships” describes how WHO may re-assess its relationship with non-governmental organizations including,

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Response to Federal Register notice seeking comments regarding Canada’s interest in TPPA negotiations

On December 7, 2011, USTR issued Federal Register Notice 76480-76481 requesting comments on “Canada’s Expression of Interest in the Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement.” USTR issued similar requests for comments regarding Japan’s (Notice 76478-76479) and Mexico’s (Notice 76479-76480) expression of interest in the TPPA.

KEI has submitted a response to this notice available for download here.

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KEI comments for House Committee on Ways and Means Hearing on Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)

On Wednesday, December 14, 2011 the Subcommittee on Trade of the Committee on Ways and Means held a hearing on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). Oral testimony was accepted only from invited witnesses. These witnesses included: Ambassador Demetrios Marantis (Deputy U.S. Trade Representative), Devry S. Boughner (Director, Intenrational Business Relations on behalf of Cargill Inc. and U.S. Business Coalition for TPP), Angela Marshall Hofmann (Vice President for Global Integrated Sourcing on Trade, Wal-Mart Stores), and Michael Wessel (President of The Wessel Group).

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