Details emerge of secret ACTA negotiation

There are plans for the next ACTA negotiation to take place in Rabat, Morocco. However, since none of the Obama trade people have been placed at USTR, this might be delayed.

The USTR is still maintaining secrecy over details of the negotiation, including the names of participants and all of the proposed texts for negotiations. Despite this, KEI has obtained some documents related to the negotiations. We can report the following:

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WKO meeting in Vienna on the Internet

On November 25, 2008, I was invited to give a talk in Vienna, at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce (the WKO). The event was organized by Eva Lichtenberger, a Green Party MEP. Eva also spoke, and gave a great talk, in German. Her slides were in English, and I’ll add them when I can. The outline of my talk is given below.

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WKO meeting in Vienna on the Internet

On November 25, 2008, I was invited to give a talk in Vienna, at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce (the WKO). The event was organized by Eva Lichtenberger, a Green Party MEP. Eva also spoke, and gave a great talk, in German. Her slides were in English, and I’ll add them when I can. The outline of my talk is given below.

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The Medical Innovation Prize Fund (S.2210, 110th Congress) and the WTO TRIPS Agreement

I have been asked to elaborate on the relationship between the Medical Innovation Prize Fund (S.2210, 110th Congress) and the WTO TRIPS Agreement.

For centuries, innovation inducement prizes have been suggested as a mechanism to stimulate investments in a wide range of topics. (See, for example, Selected Innovation Prizes and Reward Programs, KEI Research Note 2008:1). During most of this period, the patent system has also existed.

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KEI Statement on IPR/Health aspects of bipartisan “New Trade Policy”

KEI statement on bipartisan trade agreement
14 May 2007

FMI: James Love, +1.202.361.3040

On May 10, 2007, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Ways and Means Chair Charles Rangel announced a “new bipartisan ” trade package. KEI has reviewed the details of the elements of section III of the agreement, concerning “patents, IPR and access to medicine.”

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Senator Schumer Press release calling for use of 28 USC 1498 to authorize generic manufacture of oseltamivir (TN: Tamiflu)

Schumer’s October 16, 2005 press release As Avian Flu Closes In On U.S., Schumer Calls For Immediate Action: Demands Suspension Of Tamiflu Patent So Vaccine Can Be Mass-Produced, Dramatically Increasing Supply Tamiflu, the Only Effective Treatment of Bird Flu in… Continue Reading