Vietnam cables: Data exclusivity should be automatic, comprehensive, retroactive and without procedures and formalities

Michael W. Michalak, former Ambassador to Vietnam, pressured Vietnam on behalf of PhRMA.

Cables recently published by Wikileaks illustrate the degree to which the U.S. has been engaged in writing laws and training judges and government officials in Vietnam, on a wide range of pharmaceutical and intellectual property issues.

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USPTO award of $4 million in fy 2010 grants to groups advising developing countries on intellectual property issues

Last year the USPTO announced the award of $4 million in fy 2009 grants to advise developing couintries on intellectual property policies. The first set of grants were done under Arti Rai, then Administrator for External Affairs at USTPO. The grants went to a variety on pro-right owner groups, including those associated with Newt Gingrich and the Tea Party, and several supported by firms like Pfizer and Microsoft. Seven of the groups receiving the fy 2009 have in common the fact they received funding from either Microsoft or the Gates Foundation.

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“Ipr In Italy – American Voices Among Italian Elite,”cooperation and how to make them change their mind (cables)

Cable reference id: #09ROME1396

Subject Ipr In Italy – American Voices Among Italian Elite
Origin Embassy Rome (Italy)
Cable time Mon, 21 Dec 2009 15:30 UTC
Classification UNCLASSIFIED
History First published on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 02:34 UTC
Modified on Thu, 1 Sep 2011 23:24 UTC
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KEI/IQsensato panel at WTO Public Forum: Proposal for a WTO Agreement on the Supply of Knowledge as a Public Good (21 Sept 2011)


TITLE: Proposal for a WTO Agreement on the Supply of Knowledge as a Public Good

DATE: Wednesday, 21 September 2011

TIME: 16:15-18:15

VENUE: Room E (located on 3rd floor), World Trade Organization

REGISTRATION: Mandatory, please complete the registration form by 14 September 2011.

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In Poland, an Ambassador (and former George W Bush roommate) demolishes PhRMA’s 2009 Special 301 filing (Wikileaks cables)

From KEI staff review of Wikileaks cables (/wikileaks)

This cable signed by US Ambassador to Poland Victor H. Ashe provides a through and very tough critique of PhRMA’s submission to the 2009 Special 301 list. Ashe rejects every one of PhRMA’s main points, and explains why continually putting Poland on the Special 301 list is counter productive.

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