SCCR22: Brazilian interventions in favor of a Treaty on exceptions and limitations to copyright for persons with disabilities

Mr Chairman,

It is with much pleasure that Brazil notes that we started this second week of the XXII SCCR with a text on the table that is co-sponsored by Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Ecuador, México, Paraguay, and the United States and that is also supported by the EU.

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Derecho a la Vida Privada en las Negociaciones del TPP

La Oficina del Representante Comercial de los Estados Unidos (USTR) ha declarado su intención de tener completadas sus propuestas sobre protección de la propiedad intelectual a comienzos de la próxima ronda de negociaciones del TPP en Vietnam, del 20 al 24 de junio de 2011. En su rápida agenda, los negociadores del TPP han anunciado que ellos esperan concluir el acuerdo para el encuentro de los miembros del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico, a realizarse en Hawaii del 8 al 13 de noviembre de 2011. Continue Reading


KEI Statement in opposition to a WIPO Treaty for Broadcasting Organizations

KEI Statement on the Broadcast Treaty at WIPO SCCR 22
June 21, 2011

KEI opposes work at WIPO on a new treaty for broadcasting organizations.

To the extent that creative works are distributed through broadcasting networks, they are nearly always protected by copyright.

In the small cases where the broadcast involves material in the public domain, it would be a mistake to give the broadcaster an intellectual property right, merely for transmitting information.

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BLS Estimates of Employment in the Sound Recording Industries

I was asked recently to look at some data on employment in the copyright industry. This addresses one set of data points, the BLS estimates of US employment in the Sound Recording Industries.

Occupational Employment Statistics

NAICS 2-Digit Industry Specific Estimates, May 2010

51 Information 2,708,760

NAICS 3-Digit Industry Specific Estimates, May 2010

511 Publishing Industries, except Internet, 758,090, 28.0%
512 Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries, 371,450, 13.7%
515 Broadcasting (except internet), 292,010, 10.8%
517 Telecommunications, 909,780, 33.6%
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Right to Privacy in Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP ) Negotiations

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) has declared an intention to have all its proposals on intellectual property protections by the commencement of the next round of TPP talks in Vietnam June 20-24, 2011. On a fast timetable, TPP negotiators have already announced that they want to finalize TPP by the summit meetings of the members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation on November 8-13, 2011 in Hawaii. The TPP will impact health, access to knowledge, and without the necessary safeguards, the right to privacy.

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Non paper distributed at SCCR 22 at 1pm on Friday, on disabilities

In a major breakthrough on the WIPO negotiations on copyright exceptions for persons with disabilities, at around 1pm today, a non-paper “resulting from informal discussions among Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, the European Union and its Member States, Mexico, Paraguay and the United States of America” was distributed at the WIPO SCCR 22.

A copy of the document is available here:


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SCCR22: Intervention of Unión Latinoamericana de Ciegos (Latin American Union of the Blind)

On 16 June 2011, Pablo Lecuona delivered the following intervention on behalf of Intervention of Unión Latinoamericana de Ciegos at SCCR 22.

Gracias señor presidente.

Lo felicito ante todo por su elección al frente de este comité. hablo en Nombre de la Unión latinoamericana de Ciegos que reúne a las organizaciones de ciegos de los 19 países de América latina.

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