KEI Intervention at UN HLM on HIV: De-Linking R&D costs from drug prices and the sustainability of treatment

un_hlm_panel_3_IMG_2446.JPGThese are the notes from my intervention today at the UN’s High Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS in New York. The persons making statements from the floor were asked to keep their comments to two minutes, so the actual intervention was somewhat shorter. Jamie

2011 High-Level Meeting on
the comprehensive review of the progress achieved in realizing
the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and
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FDA New drug approvals for 2011, through June 6

This is a report from the FDA on 2011 new molecular entities (NMEs) approvals, through June 6, 2011. The total number of FDA approvals during that same period was 150. So far, 16 NMEs have been approved in five months, a sharp increase in approvals over the same period 2010.

6 NMEs NDAs were considered priorities
8 NDAs that were considered standard approvals
2 BLA (biologic products) that were not classified.

  • NMEs were 10.7 percent of all approvals.
  • The NME priority NDAs were 4 percent of FDA approvals.
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KEI Technical Meeting to Discuss Innovation Inducement Prizes, June 3, 2011

There is a growing interest in the use of innovation inducement prizes to stimulate investments in medical research and development.

  • The Obama Administration and the European Commission are exploring the role of innovation inducement prizes.
  • On May 31, 2011, the European Parliament is holding one of several meetings on innovation inducement prizes for medical technologies.
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Draft WHO Executive Board resolution on WHO reform

At 18:30 Geneva time on 25 May 2011, during the 129th session of the WHO Executive Board, the EB is considering the following draft decision on WHO reform.

Chair’s text, based on draft proposed by Ecuador

The 29th [sic] Executive Board,

(OP.1) DECIDES to establish an incremental, transparent, Member-State driven and inclusive consultative process comprising of the following elements:

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SCP 16: Summary by the Chair

World Intellectual Property Organization

SCP/16/8 PROV.
DATE: MAY 20, 2011

Standing Committee on the Law of Patents

Sixteenth Session
Geneva, May 16 to 20, 2011


Agenda Item 1: Opening of the session

1. The sixteenth of the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) was opened by Mr. James Pooley, Deputy Director General, who welcomed the participants. Mr. Philippe Baechtold (WIPO) acted as Secretary.

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