Report from SCCR 22 discussions of WIPO treaty for persons who are blind or have other disabilities

Members of the WBU delegation at WIPO SCCR 22

June 16, 10 am: There are good news and less good news to report from Geneva. While overall, things have moved in positive directions, with the US and the EU engaged in very constructive negotiations with Brazil and other treaty sponsors, there are still many frustrations. Continue Reading

Opening statement of Uruguay at WIPO’s 22nd Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights

Comité Permanente de Derechos de Autor y Conexos – SCCR 22 – OMPI – Ginebra
Intervención de la Delegación de Uruguay. Ginebra, 15 de junio de 2011.

Gracias Señor Presidente,

Señor Presidente, reciba de nuestra delegación nuestras mas sinceras felicitaciones por su designación como Presidente del Comité Permanente de Derechos de Autor y Conexos SCCR y cuente con nuestro apoyo para hacer una exitosa gestión al frente de este importante comité.

Señor Presidente:

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Pharmaceutical global R&D was 7.9 percent of sales in 2010

Using industry assertions of R&D spending, pharmaceutical related R&D spending by the private sector was less than 8 percent of global sales in 2010.


These are the data:

2010 Global R&D by all private companies: – $67.4 billion
Source: Page 2 of the 2011 PhRMA industry profile

2010 Global sales – $856 billion
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KEI Intervention at UN HLM on HIV: De-Linking R&D costs from drug prices and the sustainability of treatment

un_hlm_panel_3_IMG_2446.JPGThese are the notes from my intervention today at the UN’s High Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS in New York. The persons making statements from the floor were asked to keep their comments to two minutes, so the actual intervention was somewhat shorter. Jamie

2011 High-Level Meeting on
the comprehensive review of the progress achieved in realizing
the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and
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FDA New drug approvals for 2011, through June 6

This is a report from the FDA on 2011 new molecular entities (NMEs) approvals, through June 6, 2011. The total number of FDA approvals during that same period was 150. So far, 16 NMEs have been approved in five months, a sharp increase in approvals over the same period 2010.

6 NMEs NDAs were considered priorities
8 NDAs that were considered standard approvals
2 BLA (biologic products) that were not classified.

  • NMEs were 10.7 percent of all approvals.
  • The NME priority NDAs were 4 percent of FDA approvals.
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