BRICS Health Ministers’ preparatory meeting – May 17th 2011

BRICS Health Ministers’ preparatory meeting – May 17th 2011
Press release

Consistent with the mandate of the Sanya Declaration of the BRICS Leaders Meeting (14 April 2011), the Ministers of Health of the five BRICS’ countries met on the sidelines of the 64thWorld Health Assembly, on 17 May 2011, to discuss issues of common interest as well as prepare the BRICS Health Ministerial Meeting to be held in Beijing, China, on 11 July 2011. Representatives of WHO and UNAIDS also attended the meeting.

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SCP16: KEI intervention on Patents and Health

16th session of the WIPO Standing Committee of the Law of Patents (SCP)
Thursady, 19 May 2011

KEI Statement on Patents and Health

KEI is impressed by and fully supportive of the joint proposal of the African Group and the Development Agenda Group on a work program on Patents and Health, which has been published as SCP/16/7. We agree with the comments of the Chair that the proposal is both comprehensive and well thought out.

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Brazil’s statement to the 64th World Health Assembly on the future of financing

The future of financing for WHO A64/4
Provisional agenda item 11


At the outset we would like to thank the report by the Director-General on WHO reform and its future financing for a healthy future. We acknowledge the efforts to reflect comments and suggestions presented by Member-States throughout the ongoing consultation process and believe the document is a good basis for our continued debate on this important issue.

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KEI comments to the WIPO patent committee discussion of patent quality

During today’s discussion at the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) on patent quality KEI make four points in its intervention.

1. WIPO should consider gathering information on the costs of litigation to challenge the validity of patents.

2. WIPO should consider creating a database to share information on the cases where litigation has resulted findings that patent claims as invalid.

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