Intervention of India at MSF workshop at the WTO Public Forum

India delivered the following intervention at MSF’s workshop at the World Trade Organization Public Forum today. The title of the MSF workshop was “Controversy at customs – the detention of medicines in transit: what impact on access to medicines?”

WTO Public Forum ( MSF event)

Controversy at customs – the detention of medicines in transit: what impact on access to medicines?

Wednesday 30 September 2009, 14:15 to 16:15

WTO building, Room A

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India: Intervention at WTO TRIPS Council on public health dimension of the TRIPS Agreement

On 3 March 2009, India delivered the following intervention at the WTO Council for TRIPS meeting on the issue of the public health dimension of the TRIPS Agreement in the context of the Dutch seizures.



Agenda item ‘M’ – OTHER BUSINESS – Public Health dimension of TRIPS Agreement

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WTO Director General Pascal Lamy’s response to joint NGO letter about seizures of medicines in trasit to developing countries

On 18 February 2009, sixteen NGOs sent a letter to the head of the World Trade Organization regarding a series of seizures by the Dutch custom authorities of generic medicines in transit to developing countries. The letter is available at

Today, Director General Pascal Lamy responded to the letter which is available at

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Press Advisory: NGO letters to WHO & WTO on Dutch seizures of generic medicines in-transit from India to Brazil, Colombia & Peru

February 19, 2009

Press Advisory on NGO letters to WHO and WTO on topic of Dutch seizures of generic medicines in-transit from India to Brazil, Colombia and Peru.

In response to news about four seizures of generic medicines manufactured in India and shipped through the Netherlands in route to Brazil, Colombia and Peru, sixteen public health, consumer and development NGOs have sent separate letters to the heads of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO).

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Intervention by the European Communities (EC) at WTO General Council on the seizure of losartan by Dutch customs authorities

On 3 February 2009, Ambassador Eckart Guth of the European Communities to the World Trade Organization made the following intervention at the WTO General Council on the subject of the seizure of losartan by the Dutch customs authorities.

WTO GENERAL COUNCIL (3rd February 2009)
Any Other Business


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Intervention by Brazil at WTO General Council on seizure of 500 kilos of generic medicines by Dutch customs authorities

On this day, 3 February 2009, H.E. Ambassador Roberto AZEVÊDO, Permanent Representative of Brazil to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and other economic organizations in Geneva made the following intervention at the WTO General Council meeting on the seizure by Dutch authorities of a cargo of 500 kilos of losartan potassium en route from India to Brazil.

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The Medical Innovation Prize Fund (S.2210, 110th Congress) and the WTO TRIPS Agreement

I have been asked to elaborate on the relationship between the Medical Innovation Prize Fund (S.2210, 110th Congress) and the WTO TRIPS Agreement.

For centuries, innovation inducement prizes have been suggested as a mechanism to stimulate investments in a wide range of topics. (See, for example, Selected Innovation Prizes and Reward Programs, KEI Research Note 2008:1). During most of this period, the patent system has also existed.

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European Commission Response to CPTech Letter Regarding EU Opt-out of WTO Compulsory Licensing Mechanism

Original page: Letter from CPTech referenced available here: MARKOS KYPRIANOU                                            PETER MANDELSON Member of the European Commission … Continue Reading

CPTech Letter to USTR Portman Regarding US Position on WTO Opt-Out of Compulsory Licensing Mechanism

Original page: 14 October 2005 Honorable Rob Portman United States Trade Representative 600 17th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20508 Dear Ambassador Portman: We are writing to ask that the United States government address a mistake in trade policy that… Continue Reading