Google hits by domain using search term “Gates Foundation”

The following reports the number of Google hits using the search term “gates foundation,” with a site:domainname option, on January 7, 2011. The result is a count of the number of web pages (visible to Google) mentioning the Gates Foundation on a particular domain.

For example, the google search “gates foundation” identified 5,940 pages on the web site that have the exact phrase, “gates foundation.”

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Life Technologies funds seven $1 million medical innovation prizes

On December 14, 2010, Life Technologies Corporation, which among other things owns Ion Torrent, which sells the Ion Personal Genome Machine sequencer, announced seven new medical innovation prizes. The first three prizes are related to improvements in the Ion semiconcudtor sequencing products. Each of the three sequencer prizes is funded at $1 million, and will be awarded to contestants that can achieve the following goals:

  1. produce twice as much sequence data,
  2. Continue Reading


Cancer: Annual deaths compared to new cases in 2004, for 16 types of cancer and 4 World Bank income groups

The following table compares the annual deaths from cancer, to the annual incidence of the disease, broken down by cancer type and income group. The data in the table is annual deaths divided by annual incidence, show as a ratio.

For several types of cancer, there is not much difference in the reported ratios, between different income groups. For other types of cancer, the differences are large, and in favor of patients living in higher income countries. Cancer types with the largest disparities by income include the following:


USTR’s Request for Comments on ACTA

USTR has issued a request for comments on ACTA. The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2011. The notice gives very little guidance regarding the issues the USTR would like addressed in the comments.

[Billing Code 3190-W1-P]

Office of the United States Trade Representative

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement: Request for Comments from the Public

Agency: Office of the United States Trade Representative

Action: Request for written submissions from the public

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Notes from meeting with USTR on the TPP IPR chapter

Today USTR provided some additional insight into negotiations of a regional, Asia-Pacific trade agreement, known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. The USTR web page on the TPP negotiations is At present, the TPP negotiators include Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. Japan and Canada have expressed interest in joining the negotiations, and USTR clearly would like to design an agreement that will be open to other countries. Our discussions focused on the intellectual property chapter in the agreement. Continue Reading

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