Development Agenda committee mandates WIPO to examine Bolivia, Barbados, Suriname and Bangladesh prize proposals

On Friday, 26 November 2010, the 6th session of the WIPO Committee on Development Agenda and Intellectual Property approved a project entitled “Project on Open Collaborative Projects and IP-Based Models”. As mentioned in KEI’s previous posting on this subject, this project endeavors to implement Recommendation 36 of the Development Agenda which states:

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NIH funded research involving trastuzumab (marketed by Roche under the trade name Herceptin)

13 December 2010

Drug Name(s) HERCEPTIN (Brand Name Drug)
FDA Application No. (BLA) 103792
Active Ingredient(s) TRASTUZUMAB
Company GENENTECH (Roche acquired a majority ownership in 1990, and full ownership in March 2009.)
Original Approval or Tentative Approval Date September 25, 1998

What is Herceptin? How does it work?

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Statements by KEI and others on NIH rejection of Fabrazyme March-In Request

For background on the Fabrazyme case, see:

The following statements were made today by civil society on the NIH rejection of the Fabrazyme March-in Request Petition. Contact Judit Rius at if your organization would like to submit an statement.

Statement by James Love, Director of Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) (Contact: 1.202.361.3040)

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CDIP6: Bolivia’s intervention on WIPO’s proposed project on ‘Open Collaborative Projects and IP-Based Models’

25 November 2010

The fourth day of WIPO’s Committee on Development and Intellectual Property(CDIP6) has witnessed a rich discussion on how to implement Recommendation 36 of the WIPO Development Agenda which states:

Recommendation 36 (Cluster D): To exchange experiences on open collaborative projects such as the Human Genome Project as well as on intellectual property models

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Notes from EU Parliament meeting on innovation+access for medical technologies

Today I am attending a meeting at the European Parliament on new models of innovation for medical technologies. The event was organized by three MEPs, Thijs Berman, Eva Joly and Carl Schlyter, in collaboration with the European Parliament Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverity-Related Diseaes, and several consumer rights, public health and development NGOs (TACD, Health Action International, KEI, Oxfam and IQsensato).

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A KEI note to Library of Congress about ACTA text

From: James Love
To: Michele Woods
Cc: Nancy Weiss
Subject: Some examples of US inconsistency with ACTA
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 07:29:09 -0500

This note cites several areas where US law is plainly inconsistent with

In addition, in a separate analysis,I have called attention to proposed
legislation in USA on orphan copyrighted works that are very
inconsistent with ACTA provisions on remedies.

Some examples of inconsistencies between ACTA and US law

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