Communication to SCCR delegates regarding the beneficiaries of a new WIPO treaty for copyright exceptions for disabilities

Information note to SCCR delegates on the scope of disabilities in a new WIPO treaty

12 November 2010

The delegates to the SCCR are considering various proposals to deal with expanded access to copyrighted works by persons who are blind or who have other disabilities.

The proposal sponsored by Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay would extend the benefits of the treaty, not only to persons who are blind or visually impaired, but also as follows:

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KEI statement at SCCR 21

This was our 400 word statement at the WIPO SCCR 21.

Statement of KEI at WIPO SCCR 21, November 11, 2010

There should be a compelling rationale for creating new global norms for copyrights.

KEI opposes work on a new broadcasting treaty, and supports work on performers treaty.

KEI supports work at the SCCR on new possible norms for copyright limitations and exceptions, particularly as regards to access to knowledge, and uses of new technologies.

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WIPO SCCR21: Group B proposal on a work program for Copyright exceptions and limitations

Today, Wednesday November 10 2010, during the 3rd day of the WIPO SCCR21, the Group B presented a proposal for a Work Program on copyright exceptions and limitations for the WIPO SCCR. Group B is the negotiation group that groups developed countries like US, EU, Switzerland and others.

The proposal is available here

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SCCR21: Proposal for the consideration of the African Group on a Decision on SCCR

The following proposal for a road map for the SCCR’s consideration of limitations and exceptions was submitted by the African Group on Tuesday, 9 November 2010.

Proposal for the consideration of the African Group on a Decision on SCCR

(Limitations and exceptions)

Bearing in mind

SAVE THE DATE (10 November 2010): What should the WIPO SCCR do about limitations & exceptions: the way forward?

On 10 November 2010, Knowledge Ecology International will hold a side event from 13:30 to 14:45 in the Uchtenhagen room at WIPO which shall address the question, “What should the WIPO SCCR do about limitations & exceptions: the way forward”? Speakers include representatives from the Centre for Internet & Society, Egypt, the International Publishers Association, KEI and the South Centre. This is an open event. Please see below for details.

What should the WIPO SCCR do about limitations & exceptions: the way forward?

Invitation to the KEI side bar event

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SCCR 21: General statement of Group B (covering broadcasting, AV protection and limitations and exceptions)

The following general statement was delivered by France, on behalf of Group B, on the first day (8 November 2010) of SCCR 21.

Group B opening statement

I thank you M. Chair,

Group B is glad to welcome you back in Geneva for this 21st session of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, which we hope will be a productive one.

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SCCR 21: Initial impressions from day 1

The 21st session of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) commenced its work at 10:33 AM on Monday, 8 November 2010.

This unusually quick start is perhaps indicative of Member States’ commitment to examine the three substantive agenda items up for consideration during this five day negotiation; these three issues include: 1) protection of broadcasting organizations, 2) protection of audiovisual performances and 3) limitations and exceptions.

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Global Fund calls upon drug companies to “share without delay” AIDS drug patents with the Medicines Patent Pool

In a October 7, 2010 letter, Professor Michel Kazatchkine, the Executive Director of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, has written to Dr. Jorge Bermudez, the UNITAID Executive Director, to discuss the Medicines Patent Pool.

Kazatchkine congratulates UNITAID for the announcement that an agreement had been reached between U.S. National Institute for Health and the Medicines Patent Pool for the voluntary license of the NIH patents rights on an HIV-AID drug, Darunavir.

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European generic drug companies ask EU Parliament to remove patents from ACTA

The European Generics Association has written to the European Parliament asking that patents be removed from the Anti-Counterfeiting Agreement. A PDF copy of their letter is here. The text in html follows:

MEP Mr. Gianluca Susta
INTA Committee
European Parliament
1049 Bruxelles- Belgium

Brussels, 5th of November 2010

Ref. EGA comments to the consolidated text on ACTA that reflects changes made during the

September 2010 Tokyo round1.

Dear Mr. Susta,

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