ACTA: USTR’s talking points to WTO Council for TRIPS

The following statement is the oral intervention made by USTR at the WTO Council for TRIPS (October 2010) regarding ACTA.

Talking Points of the United States for TRIPS Council Meeting of October 26, 2010
Agenda Item P

We would like to thank other delegations for their interest in the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA).
Delegations will recall that the United States and other delegations have been interested in discussing the issue of IP enforcement at this Council for many years and so we’re pleased to have another discussion today.

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Statement of the United States to WTO TRIPS Council on the Paragraph 6 System

The following statement was delivered by USTR at the WTO Council for TRIPS Annual Review of the Paragraph 6 System on Wednesday, 27 October 2010.

Statement of the United States
Agenda item F, Annual Review of the Paragraph 6 System
Topic 5

Mr. Chairman

We are pleased to be here today to participate in the annual review on the implementation of paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration.

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Remarks by UNAIDS Secretariat and on behalf of UNDP: Capacity building on the Paragraph 6 System and related TRIPS flexibilities

The following statement was delivered on Wednesday, 27 October 2010 by the UNAIDS Secretariat and on behalf of UNDP during the Annual Review of Paragraph 6.

World Trade Organization
Council for TRIPS – Regular Session
Annual Review of Paragraph 6
Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health
Agenda item 4 – Capacity building on the Paragraph 6 System and related TRIPS flexibilities
Remarks by UNAIDS Secretariat and on behalf of UNDP
27 October 2010

Mr Chair, Distinguished Delegates

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Paragraph 6 system: Brazilian intervention at the WTO TRIPS Council

On Wednesday, 27 October 2010, Brazil delivered the following intervention during the annual review of the Paragraph 6 system at the WTO TRIPS Council. The Brazilian intervention followed Canada’s detailed explanation of her use of the Paragraph 6 system in the Apotex/Rwanda case. The Brazilian intervention voiced concern over the future prospects of access to competitively priced second and third line ARVs raising questions as to whether the Paragraph 6 system would be economically viable for generic producers.

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Canada’s Intervention to TRIPS Council: Experience using the System (Apotex-Rwanda Case)

On Wednesday, 27 October 2010, Canada delivered the three interventions to the WTO TRIPS Council related to the review of the Paragraph 6 system. The first intervention below details the Canadian experience using the Paragraph 6 system in the case of Apotex and Rwanda.

CANADA Intervention: (1) Experience using the System (Apotex-Rwanda Case)

As we recall, the 2003 WTO Decision on TRIPS and Public Health was an intensely negotiated decision that garnered unanimous support from all WTO Members.

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Brazilian intervention at TRIPS Council: ACTA

The following statement was delivered by Brazil at this week’s TRIPS Council.

TRIPS Enforcement Trends/ACTA – TRIPS Council – Intervention by Brazil

According to press releases circulated in the first week of this month, the negotiating process of ACTA is virtually concluded.

A few points only would still remain open and those points would not prevent a final agreement from being reached soon, according to statements released by authorities from the countries participating in the ACTA negotiations.

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